Hi all – Please note that an updated set of forum guidelines has been posted in the announcements section.
With one exception, these are the same guidelines that this forum has already been operating under, but they have now been formally approved by the GDATF’s Founder and Board Co-Chairs.
Our tech team is working on a process where individuals will have to accept these terms prior to logging in to the forum.
The one change is that individual doctor recommendations may now be posted publicly, rather than communicated via PM. *Negative* comments regarding a doctor or facility should still be communicated via PM. Our Board members wanted to relieve some of the previous restrictions without allowing this forum to degenerate into a “doctor bashing” type of environment. If you have negative comments to share about a particular doctor, there are other web sites available for that: healthgrades.com, vitals.com, etc..
Any comments on these guidelines should be directed via phone or fax to 877-643-3123 or to info@gdatf.org.