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  • connypie
    Post count: 68

    Hi you all, this is a quick update from my last posts.Apparently my double vision is from misalignment of the eyes and not TED.Ive been doing the vision therapy since october and the dr says there is excellent improvement.i have one more month and then they will taper the excercises close up vision is much better although i still have trouble reading the tv guide on vision has been fluctuating throughout this,wich they say is normal.and when i look in the mirror my eyes seem to look straighter ahead then they used eyes were drifting outward,so trying to bring them in to see up close was almost impossible for me.So some headaches,nausea and Vision disturbances later,i feel better,even though my wallet doesnt.neither health or vision insurance would cover it.i have had to retrain my eye muscles and my brain.but it worked.Yeah!!! now i get to look forward to hand surgery next having carpal tunnel and dequervains tendon release on my left the broschure my orthopedist gave me,it said hypo thyroidism is associated with either carpal tunnel or dequervains.cant remember wich.has anybody had any trouble with their hands because of hypothyroidism? hope you all had a nice christmas and a happy new year. connypie

    Post count: 108

    So glad to hear the vision therapy worked! Best of luck with your surgery!

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – Glad that you’ve had success with the vision therapy!

    Yes, carpal tunnel can be associated with hypothyroidism, although I’m not sure about the other condition that you mentioned.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery from your surgery!

    Post count: 1

    Hi Conniepie, I’m new here. I too have Graves Disease. Just wanted to say that I too had a misalignment with my eye during the summer which causes double Vision, nausea and eye pain. My left eye would not track properly from left to right and was affecting my right eye since it was working hard to compensate because I have no peripheral Vision on the right to start with. Neuro-opthalmologist didn’t think it was TED either. We have a program called division for the blind here on Florida who helps with funding if your issue is both eyes. Maybe they can help you too. Good luck with that.


    Post count: 68

    hi kimberley, dequervains is basically the same as carpal tunnel,but it only affects the thumb.i had it 2 years ago and was told then i would have to have surgery down the line.i guess down the line was now.the surgery went well,in and out in 3 hours.i still have some pain,but went back to work 3 days later.with dr s approval.i will probably have to do some therapy after.hope it fixed the nerve damage and returnes my strenghth.but will have to wait can take up to a year for the nerve to heal.i hope my decision not to put the surgery off will make for a complete recovery.although it is fun watching my husband do the dishes,tie my shoes ect. connypie

    Post count: 68

    thank you gladys for the tip.ill look into it.

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