Hi Amy–that’s wonderful news! I’m sorry to hear Zack still has nausea, but as you said, there’s still hope that will go away in time as his levels are stable for an extended period of time. He hasn’t had that happen for who knows how long! He still has some months of adjustment ahead, but we can hope the worst is truly behind him! I know you need a break from this! Give him our best wishes!
Just YAY!!
” title=”Very Happy” />
It’s been almost 8 weeks since my son had RAI and his blood work shows that it worked. He is now hypo…yea! He started on 100 mcg of Synthroid and will have another blood test in a month to see if that’s an appropriate dose. He’s still having trouble with the nausea but we’re hoping that will improve in time. I’m so glad that the worst is over (I hope). Thank you to everybody that’s been so supportive!!!! You’ve been so helpful and I really appreciate it!!!!!
Amy” title=”Smile” />
I thought my post went through but I guess i (x’d) out before submitting lol.
Congrats on your son’s progress. If I recall he is 16. Remember he is a teenager and dealing with so much other stuff right now, so if things get real hard for him. Go to the school and talk to them about special things they can do for him since he has had this done. There are exceptions and he should have support at home and at school. Maybe exemption from gym extra time to get to classes if he is feeling tired at the end of the day. Ask him what might help if he needs it.
Hugs for him and for you. It’s not easy dealing with a teenage son and one that have Graves’ to boot. Oh boy!!!
I’m 35 and have a 14 yr old (oldest of 4 children) and well I can’t fathom what that would be like if he had Graves’s so God Bless you both and remember he is hormonal to begin with at this point in his life he is self centered as any child is at this time in their life. They have had mom and dad do for them their entire lives. so when he says I don’t have to do that, or why do i care if (pick a sibling) doesn’t get to do that it has nothing to do with me, or the best one I have heard yet is "why do I need to do your work?" …this is a time where we have to teach them that the world doesn’t revolve around them and it doesn’t stop when they say stop. That we are not only moms, but women as well that are more than just mothers and men that are more than just fathers.
I remember the look on my oldest son’s face when he said something to me not knowing that my dh was there.(sorry have to giggle about it). DH popped out and said nothing more than "DO YOU KNOW WHO THAT PERSON IS IN FRONT OF YOU?". ds said yeah "that’s just mom". DH said to him "NO! That is MY wife you are speaking to that way!" The look on that kids face was priceless. He all of a sudden realized that I wasn’t just mommy, i was a person. It was a great feeling.
Your son is going through so much and i sure hope that he gets support in school as well. I’m sure you are doing a fine job at home.
Keep up the great work
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