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  • knitlit
    Post count: 34

    I heard from the Endo office today. They want me to increase the methimazole to 2 additional (20 mg more making it 40 mg a day) for 1 week, then go back to the 2 tablets as before. My levels are still sky high or have gone even higher? I had lost about 3 more lbs.

    I forgot to ask for the numbers..but will get a copy when I go back Jun 3. (my first checkup after the RAI was last Wed.)

    I have been very lucky not having many symptom discomforts. No reaction to the ATM or the RAI. The first 3 weeks after the RAI I was taking lots of naps, the last 2-3 weeks finding that my energy levels were feeling pretty normal.

    I haven’t attempted to exercise yet. I will wait until the dr. gives me the go ahead.. I did plant some raspberries a few weeks ago, for 3 days after I was having very noticeable tremors. I am still on the beta blocker.

    I was a bit disappointed by this news, I had hoped I could start decreasing the ATM to just 1 a day, but, I had noticed the past few days that I was starting to have the frequent BR trips again, so wasn’t completely surprised by this.

    So, I’ll just have to be patient.

    Post count: 292

    Unfortunately, being patient is often part of getting well from this. At least you’re this much closer than you were before! Hang in there, and keep us updated with how you’re doing!

    Best wishes,

    Post count: 34

    Thank you Dianne.

    There is an opportunity for advancement in my job that just came up, I decided it was bad timing, and not to apply. The positive is that I love my current work and schedule and the starting pay would be no different to my current situation due to my seniority. Realistically, until I know I am stabilized I don’t want to purposely add stress. (I have very light TED in left eye at this point.

    Post count: 34

    I heard from the lab today, I had left a message on Monday, since I hadn’t heard from the Endo at that point. (office called on Tuesday & I had forgotten to get my levels) I was able to get them from the lab today:
    as of Wed. April 29:
    TSH 0.004 ref ranges .40-5.0
    Free T4 6.0 ref ranges 0.8-1.8 I
    Free T3 416 ref ranges 82-179
    Compare to Feb 11th numbers
    TSH- 0.02
    Free T4 2.82
    I couldn’t find my T3 to compare from the 11th.

    I was surprised by numbers being so much higher than they were initially. I guess my thyroid is battling the RAI & ATM at this point. I thought that this was happening earlier in the process. I can understand the Endo’s reason for upping my methimazole now.

    The increased dose of the methimazole seems not to be bothering me so far. I feel slightly fatigued about 40 minutes after the dose, then it seems like I start feeling more normal energy levels after about an hour. It will be interesting to see how I feel by Tuesday.

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