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  • hyperm
    Post count: 435

    You poor soul – I was so worried that something like that would happen the other day and I contacted Dainne about my concerns.

    Do they think that the v&D is a bug or symptomatic of the thyroid? I think the may issue here is that you are not being seen by a specialist therefore no follow up care and just general medics who are are going on a basic knowledge.

    Your symptoms sound very much like mine when I was going into the thyroid storm, however I am so confused by the care you are receiving – is it normal in the states to discharge someone in such a state – do they not have any legal liability even though you have no insurance? In the UK they could be held liable and an inquest could be held….

    How are you feeling today?

    M x

    p.s posted the parcel off to you xxxx

    Post count: 88

    I don’t know what they are liable for? She told me before she did anything. "I will not write you a prescription, I will not change any medications, or advise you on any meds." So she says, " Since I said that what is it left? What do you want me to do?"

    The doctor WAS "kind" enough to tell me; because two of the nurses were concerned it may have been a storm. "Huh, honey it’s definitely not a storm-you’re fine!" They do whatever they want and treat you however they want.

    I don’t know if it is symptoms are because of my thyroid. However, the sweating at night and the jitters are.

    I feel about the same

    Thank you

    ps Do you know how long it takes a package to reach the States?

    Post count: 88

    Okay so here we go….

    So let’s recap…Went to the ER on the 7th-8th of this month. My TSH was 12.1. The doctor at the hospital said she wouldn’t do anything for me; because this is a condition needing managing by a doctor? I have no insurance, so I went to the suggested clinic she put on my discharge papers. Saw the PA at the clinic on the 10th who thought it was a great idea to cold turkey take me off of my 300mg of PTU. Had joint pain so wrote the script; I paid , and got tested for some things.

    Now to current…Ended up in the ER on the 17th with headache, dizziness, slight fever, confusion, slight palpatations, hot/cold spells, nausea, you name it- I had it. So they rush me back after my mother says, "She has Graves’ Disease and got cut from a large dose of meds". So of course, I get the same doctor who was more concerned about my lack of insurance,and not having consistent care; then the real issue. So, I get my levels and she was like, "Oh good news, your TSH is 1.4 (0.4-4.9). But, I tried to explain that all of that happened in a week; that was suppose to happen over time and if I didn’t start on something soon; within days I would be under the 0.4.

    So this brings us to yesterday, I went to the follow up visit of my last ER visit. The doctor told me some good news…I don’t have RA or Lupus. So that was positive, then there’s the BUT! But he doesn’t know what is causing me so much joint pain. So then I thought he would send me to an Endo, being my direction change in my levels. Instead, he figures it can’t be that hard and he just guesses on a number between 25-300 to see what to try.
    So, now I’m on 150 mg for the next mth or so. I am praying for something anything. I have spent the last couple of hours vomitting and diarrhea.

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