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  • Kimberly
    Post count: 4294

    Do you have questions about neuropsychiatric complaints in Graves’ disease – such as irritability, sleep disturbances, difficulty concentrating, and memory issues? In the coming days, we’ll be pre-recording a webinar highlighting patient experiences with these issues. Please fill out the survey below to submit a question for the Q&A portion!

    UPDATE: The program has been recorded and will premiere on YouTube in the coming days! Stay tuned for details!

    Post count: 4294

    Join us tomorrow (Wed.) at 1:00 p.m. EST for the premiere of our new webinar, “Neuropsychiatric Complaints in Graves’ Disease”! (If you aren’t able to join us then, no worries – the webinar will convert to a regular YouTube video after the premiere.)

    UPDATE: The premiere was earlier today, and you can use the link below to view the program at your convenience!

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