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  • Mickey65
    Post count: 84

    I went by my doctor’s office this morning, and they did indeed have an envelope waiting for me with a month’s worth of samples of my Synthroid waiting there for me.

    I made sure to pass along a nice Thank You card to the nurse who did this for me… <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” />

    Post count: 16

    Try contacting your endocrinologist’s office. While this would be a temporary solution to your problem, they sometimes have a 28-day supply sample package provided to them by the drug manufacturer of Synthroid. Also, if you do run out of meds, go to the nearest ER if you develop symptoms of Thyroid Storm or Thyrotoxicosis. The Mayo Clinic website, is a great resource for locating info on Graves’ Disease and related symptoms. The ER has to treat you whether or not you have insurance. Hope this info helps and best of luck to you.

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