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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi! This is a great resource for Graves’ sufferers!

    I’ve had Graves’ almost two years now. I’m pretty fed-up with my
    the way I’ve handled this problem so far. Thankfully, I’ve regained
    my perspective on the situation and I am trying again to be proactive
    in my approach.

    Having this newfound strength to fight the Graves’ disease feels good.
    Unfortunately, I have made a stink about it, let it overpower me, sought
    pity and complained-A LOT. This behavior is disturbing to me but moreso
    to my family. They’ve been supportive through my physical and emotional
    ups and downs, have listened to my problems, and have tried to understand
    sometimes inarticulable difficulties.

    Reading your postings and learning more about the disease in general has
    made me realize things could be a lot worse for me. I am grateful for
    my lesser trial-I don’t think I’d know how to deal with anything more.

    My difficulty is this: how do I “rehabilitate” myself in my family’s
    eyes as someone who is learning to live with a chronic illness and,
    at the same time, let them know that my symptoms are not “imaginary”
    (my dad always laughs when I explain to my sisters why I need to use
    eye drops. I try to explain as clinically as possible (just what
    my eye doctor told me)w/o sounding whiney or complainy or pitiful.
    My dad thinks I’m making a big deal.). Now that I’ve complained
    so much, what do I do now? How do I regain lost ground? How do I
    communicate my ailments (Graves’ or medicine-related) and yet
    remain a strong person to them?

    Thanks much to all!


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