It’s done! Took around 4 hours to remove the tumor and thyroid. The ENT told me prior that he thought the mass was part of my thyroid; afterwards, said it wasn’t…so waiting on results to see if it was cancerous.
I can’t sleep in hospitals and having the drain in along with the IV doesn’t help. My throat is sore along with the back of my neck – but bearable. The incision burns – meds help a lot.
The ENT did say he wants me to continue the Tapazole and Propranolol for a few days due to thyroid levels. Curious what bloodwork will show in the morning. He is going to start me on new thyroid meds tomorrow and ill contact my Endo this morning to set a follow up appointment. I’m hoping this stabilization process goes easier.
Overall I’m surprised at how well I’m feeling after just ten hours. But, based on everyone’s reports following their TTs, I am not going to push it!
Thank you for the support,
TalleyWow! You are doing beautifully~ Thank you for writing! Yay! Hospitals are not designed for sleeping, unfortunately! You will be SO glad to get home.
Did they as you to remove the drain yourself in a few days? Or is it a post op trip back to the doctor?
Glad the thyroid and the growth are now gone. You re on your way to recovery.
Yes, the bloodworm will be interesting. I am thinking you mean you are still on the Tapazole because of labs indicating that you were/are very hyper. souds like you are in good hands. And there is good communication between the endo and surgeon. THat is what you want!
Congratulations on moving over to the “other side.”
When you are discharged today, tell them you want the path report as soon as possible.
Glad you are doing do well. Hope for a smooth recovery and good news from pathology!
God bless!!
Good news! Glad to hear from you. You will feel like superwoman while you still have the effects of the anesthesia and the pain meds. Don’t overdue it…you will experience a crash in the next day or so…so the more you rest now, the easier the crash will be. Your body has been thru a lot. Getting in your own bed with some pampering is the best medicine. Take care and I hope you get good pathology results.
As is standard procedure they will draw your blood a few times while in hospital to make sure you don’t have any calcium issues….make sure they tell you the results before you leave.
Best wishes,
Thanks for the update – so glad that all went well!
Home and trying to rest. It’s hard – I feel guilty not doing anything…but just going up and down the stairs is hard. The doctor removed the drain this morning – not much was coming out by that point. They also checked my calcium levels and said they didn’t change (don’t remember if they told me the number or not).
Dr just called to tell me he got the pathology report – fastest he has ever received one. The tumor was benign – cant remember the name, but something I have had since birth that was slow growing.
They found a small cancer in my Thyroid!! He said due to the size it is seen as cured with removal! I really dodged a bullet – so very glad I decided to remove it before it grew or spread. For me, the TT was the right choice.
I am having a lot of pain in my upper chest where the tumor was removed. Think I’m going to lay back down. Just wanted to share my news!
Thank you all!
TalleyWhat fantastic news! Congrats! They found cancer in my thyroid when it was removed also…much to my surprise. It was very minute and early so it’s essentially gone with the thyroid. Bye bye thyroid,,,bye bye cancer. Another confirmation why TT can be a very good form of treatment.
Rest and don’t feel guilty!
Hi Talley,
Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Glad you were brave and made the decision to have TT at the same time, with hindsight it was the best decision to make. There will be plenty of time in the future to catch up on the things you are not doing now, don’t feel guilty the important thing now is to give yourself the best chance at a speedy and full recovery.
DebHi Talley,
that is great that you got your path report before the weekend! You are in a much better place than when you wrote last weekend! Really good news that the tumor was benign. Sometime, when you get the path report, or when you see your doc, I’d be interested in knowing what it is called.
Yes! TT all done. Tiny cancer in thyroid all gone. Thyroid all gone! Bump/lump behind clavicle all gone! WHAT A WEEK.Sorry you are having discomfort at the site of the tumor. But maybe it will slow you down a little bit (
: Stay humble about activity, you had a LONG surgery, and it does make a difference in you endurance post op.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime event. Get well, soon you will feel like doing things, but do the things you never have time to do, plus having lunch with a friend, go to a movie, generally regard this as a planned vacation.
Glad the drain is out. I hope you did not feel it was a big deal. Sounds like you had a MARVELOUS surgeon.
Shirley -
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