I have been trying to find out if I have graves. I will try to be very brief. Im 42; had three episodes of postpartum thyroiditis. Was briefly followed by an endo years ago for this. Was losing weight like crazy, tachycardia, horrible anxiety (felt like I could jump out of my own skin), hair loss and insomnia. This was after third child in 1998. I was put on inderal and had a raiu scan. After this, my endocrinologist retired and I never followed up. I have gained 70 lbs. And still have many symptoms. Both my grandmothers had graves. My only abnormal tsh was with my 3 rd pregnancy. Currently all thyroid labs are normal except reverse t3, which is elevated. My question has focused on tsi…. my results 39 and according to lab <140 is ok. Why would I have any tsi in my blood. I am petrified of turning into my grandmothers (both had horrible exopthalmus).
Any information would be appreciated.