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  • Ski
    Post count: 1569

    Yoiks! Sounds like you have several things going on at once. First, as far as your test results go, we can’t evaluate them for you because different labs use different processes and thus have difference reference ranges of "normal" at the end. If you have a copy of the results, it should indicate whether your results fall inside or outside the reference range of normal at that lab. If the TSH is low (compared to the normal range), it would indicate that you are hyperthyroid. TSH has an inverse relationship to our thyroid hormone levels ~ it is excreted by the pituitary gland in response to the thyroid hormone levels detected in the bloodstream. When the pituitary gland senses too much thyroid hormone in the blood, it reduces the amount of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) that it excretes, instructing the thyroid to reduce the release of thyroid hormone. With Graves’ Disease, the antibodies mimic TSH, so the thyroid responds as if it is being asked to increase the release of thyroid hormone, and then the TSH from the pituitary gland typically lowers until it’s nearly undetectable, while the thyroid is overproducing thyroid hormone.

    You need a careful examination by an endocrinologist, to sort out everything that’s going on right now. I’m not sure the rash is related to GD, but anything’s possible. The nodule is not typical for Graves’ (did you say NON-benign?), so that’s something separate to address as well. Nodules can render you hyperthyroid without having Graves’, so the possibility exists that you do NOT have Graves’. Still, something needs to be done to address your hyperthyroidism, if you are currently hyperthyroid. Anti-thyroid drugs (ATDs), either methimazole or PTU, can help to bring your levels down while you investigate the cause.

    Now that you have insurance, you should investigate this to your satisfaction. Please let us know how things turn out!

    Post count: 88

    Now I am no expert, but my tsh has been .001 for 3yrs. TSH is the amount of stuff your pituitary gland is putting out. (I think) The pituitary is also like the head command center; so if it ain’t workin then it can’t tell your thyroid what to do. Hence, hypo/hyper; it’s like planes flying with no one looking out or telling them they are about to crash into each other. :idea: :arrow: :o

    Post count: 13

    If you are like me I want to know the numbers. Not only where I’m at but what is the normal range. Here are the guidelines that I was given that I was told was the normal range. TSH should be .34 – 4.51 T3 should be 2.4 – 4.4
    and T4 should be .62 – 1.81. I ask everytime I have blood work what my numbers are and I keep track of them so I can follow the pattern. You are your biggest advocate. I was told in I think November that I had graves and my TSH has been so low that it has not been able to register. It’s currently at less than .01 and the test goes no lower so it may be even lower than that but that’s what they list it at. I have been on Tapazole now for about 4 months and my other levels are now falling in the normal range but my endo said that it will take a little time for the TSH to catch up so he’s more concerned with the other numbers staying at the level they are. He said that if your doctor just watches the TSH level and that’s not in the normal range but your other numbers are and they keep uping your dose they can actually make you sever hypothyroid. I’m learning that it’s a fine little dance that we have to do. Good luck!

    Post count: 1

    I was told I had Graves in 2007. Lost my insurance shortly after and hadn’t been treated for it. Now, I have insurance. They said my tsh level then, was .004. Now, .030? Can anyone explain if this is good or bad? I don’t understand. Still not taking anything yet. I have a rash, I can’t get rid of, they thought was ringworm, but isn’t responding to anything and now, on my left side of my throat, when I swallow it hurts (just on that side) like something stuck. Any help will be appreciated. I have had this rash for 4 weeks, put on anti-fungal cream, and taken anti-fungal pills. I am beside myself. I have never, ever had skin problems in my life. They also said I had a non benign nodle in my throat on other side, in Sept 2007, not to worry about it. I am also a type two diabetic on glipizide.

    Yes…………I am a mess~~ :oops: :roll:

    Post count: 1569

    Please just look at your own test results for normal ranges ~ each lab has their own, and they can vary widely.

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