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  • LaurelM
    Post count: 216

    Don’t forget that you also recently had a new baby. Physical recovery from just a pregnancy can take up to year. Couple that with TS and your body & emotions have been through the wringer. Remember that it will take awhile AT normal levels for your body to begin to heal. I think I was close to about a full year before I pretty much felt like my old self. For me, the physical recovery seemed to happen earlier than the cognitive (short term memory/brain fog) and the emotional ‘flutters’, but it DID finally happen. It will happen for you too, eventually. I know it is hard to be patient when you have felt so bad for so long.


    Post count: 435

    Hey all,

    I know there has been a few people on here who have also had TS and just wondering how you are fairing or how quickly you started to feel well again?

    I am still feeling unwell even though my bloods went back into range (slightly raised again but no concern to endo/surgeon/GP etc..) however, although symptomatically speaking I am feeling much better. However, I think the adrenal burn out has really taken hold after the TS. I am managing with the kids better, light house work but I can’t go out because of the panic etc…
    I am excessively tired and my heart really pounds while I bath the boys or cook dinner <img decoding=” title=”Wink” /> When I was first diagnosed I was hyper for over a year and I remember feeling very ill to the point where I was convinced I had something terminal I genuinely didn’t think that I could possibly feel any worse than then but I did and do.

    Although petrified of the surgery I know that its the best option for me as I couldn’t possibly continue to live like this.

    Have others experienced the same ?

    M xxx

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