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  • SeeSallie
    Post count: 35

    For last few days the back and sides of my tongue hurt. Was wondering if anyone else experienced this while being hypo? Going to see my Dr soon. Just started synthroid, so might be a reaction to that (I’ll ask).

    Post count: 1569

    This is a new one on me! Still, imbalances in thyroid hormone can cause such wide-ranging symptoms, it’s hard to say yes or no conclusively…. Let us know if your doctor has some insight.

    Post count: 1

    I have experienced the same problem for the last 15 years, on and off. I’m not aware of any difference in other external things that could be a cause. I have just automatically assumed it was the thyroid "weirdness" that I have experienced over the years. I was diagnosed with hypo at age 14, but developed hyper + thyroid cancer at age 43. I had Radiation treatment for the cancer and it was supposed to take care of the hyper, but now I fluctuate between hypo and hyper.

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