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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Today my endo told me that (nearly six months after RAI), the right side of my thyroid is about the size of a healthy person’s, and there’s a small amount left on the left side, also. He says this is good (though it could still die out some more). I asked if it could cause me to go hyper again, and he said no. (I hope he’s right!)

    My TSH is now .111, with a Free T-4 of 0.8 (normal range this lab, 0.8-1.9). Since the thyroid level is really too low, and the TSH is not above normal (as would be expected), he said this means that my pituitary is still somewhat “turned off” as far as detecting thyroid level and responding with TSH. Six weeks ago the TSH was .002, so it appears to be turning on somewhat. He needs the TSH mechanism to be functioning properly in order to give me the proper thyroxine replacement dose. He said it can take 3-6 months for this mechanism to turn back on and function properly, after being hyper for a long time. (I’ve been hypo for a little over two months.)

    What this means for me, is that he must still leave my replacement dose on the low side (I’m on .075 mg synthroid), which delays the time when I feel good again. He reminded me that he’s told me from the beginning to expect this to be a slow process. :(

    I’m supposed to call if there’s a change in my condition before my next scheduled appointment. At least, I’m relatively happy with my endocrinologist. He doesn’t minimize my difficulties or tell me my problems are from my “personality”.
    Dianne N

    Post count: 93172

    Thanks to Bruce, Jake, Annette, and Archie for figuring out how to get my IRC program to communicate with the chat room. I really appreciated all the help. I look forward to more real time conversations with the people who post on this BB.

    I started reading all the past messages, starting from the first one from Jake. I’ve only read 500 so far, but I’ll work on more of them later on tonight. I’m glad I’m doing this, though. It never occurred to me to go see my opthamologist about checking my eyes. I’m not having any major problems. Just some dryness and fuzziness at night. This whole year since they didn’t bug out, I figured it wasn’t important. Fortunately, I don’t have to find one. I’ve got one already since I can’t see a foot in front of my face without my glasses or contacts. :-) I’m definitely learning a lot from reading all these messages. It’s kind of neat chronologically, too because I can sort of see how this BB grew into what it is now. I am so happy it’s here. It’s helped me tremendously. My boyfriend often reads the messages with me when he’s not at work, so it helps him understand me, too.

    Just wanted to express my gratitude to everyone.


    Post count: 93172

    The new colors are pretty cool, Annette. Thanx again for your help yesterday.

    Anyway, I feel kind of like a party pooper or something just for signing on today. Everyone is expressing love and caring. Jake, that was a beautiful message. My boyfriend and I have been yelling at each other all day. I feel like my love and peace is buried under a huge pile of you know what. I guess I’m just not having a very good day. I can’t stop crying. I can’t stop yelling. Kirk probably wants to kill me by now. He’s at work, so I have time to cool off before I see him again. I feel resentful because he can work. I want to get out of the house, but if I walk around for too long, I get lightheaded and dizzy from lack of food. He suggested I stay at home, empty the dishwasher, do laundry, or something like that. I could have killed him right then and there. Chores! I’m already a chauffeur to half the people in this house. I don’t usually mind, but right now it all seems to be piling up on top of me. I’m the one that has to do the X-mas shopping, send the X-mas cards… I know I’m whining again, but I can’t help it. I don’t feel like there’s anyone here to listen to me vent. This is the only place. I hate to vent here, though, because there are people with worse problems than mine. I don’t want to stress anyone out. I am so thankful that this BB exists. We are talking about not letting GD control our lives? I’m trying so hard, but I can’t seem to get a grip on it. My ex-husband tells me that we all control everything that happens in our lives. He says it has something to do with karma or something. He’s Buddhist. I wish I could believe him. Then I might be able to control myself into feeling better…

    Well, enough of that. I’m sorry for venting. I feel a little better now. Maybe if I play a beat em up, shoot em up video game, I’ll be able to take my mind off things.

    Warm fuzzies to all! :-)

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