Hi Tom, I spent quite a bit of tme on this bb last year. I too was stunned at how little research goes on in the US and I wasn’t soothed by the complacency about Rai and things I read.
Anyway, through this board and others I put up survey questions 1/97 -7/97 and they got answered over 200 times in 6 months. In April my doc will take the data to the AACE national meeting. I hope it inspires some PROSPECTIVE LONGITUDINAL studies and encourages more trained medical researchers to get busy. Just the info that was made available to me ( thanks to those who participated) has some telling to it.Anyway…I saw all this hullaballu(sp?) associated with you and so I organized the posts by author and read a few of yours. Maybe I missed something?? How did you get so many folks mad at you?
I have experienced here in the past that it does take a certain amount of diplomacy and self restraint to get along with everyone here.
I know there are many who have not experienced this as a supportive place. A bb can change in nature according to the dominant presence at the time. But by and large it has been a fairly informative place with lots of other interactions which mean more or less repsective to specific persons. I think it is great that you have sought to faciltate discussions which go beyond the tame and non controversial, (though they are probably better handled more impersonally, I saw sprinkles of references and inferences that even from my infrequent visits of late I could identify the subject of your allusions))
It is hard to discuss controversy here. The problem is somewhat akin to trying to have a spirited conversation around Aunt Betty’s sick bed in the ICU. So many here are in various stages of distress from GD.I didn’t understand why your occassional prickles or ardent tone is not also taken into account as relating to your thryoid state? Frankly, I can’t imagine anyone without GD ( or a loved one having it ) bothering to hang around here. But it is enough to have GD let alone feel someone is arguing with you, picking on you or…etc. The spectrum of maturity,
communication skills, etc. is probably not much different than the populace at large, (despite weird theories about dependent personalities).
Wrassle with the strong, protect the weak, educate the willing, listen to whatever is cogent and leaks potential. Got to pick and choose your battles.But, if you are gone, so be it. Maybe people will miss one who dared to ask questions and quoted Emerson. I suspect that never including your e mail may have contributed to the problem.
Perhaps you will regroup and return. I can only stop in now and then.
I feel that my healing isn’t facilitated by too much GD focus at this time. This visit was certainly different! Fearnot, I am not damged by it, butI think I’ll go watch a movie with my family now.
Free speech is wonderful to have and sometimes difficult to listen to! Specific forums have their specific limits. Hope you do well with your treatment of (limited) choice and keep on sharing when you have GD info others may need.
best wishes, Jeannette -
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