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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    It helps to hear that someone else has been through this experience. I am still struggling, and the doctors seem to be taking their time. It is hard when two endocrinologists tell you it can’t possibly be your thyroid. My original endo is going to recheck my thyroid (TSH, FT4 and FT3), and then do tons of other tests like acth, aldosterone, glucose tolerance, etc. My potassium level was low when I went into the ER without any obvious causes (no vomiting, etc.) so they seem to be stumped. The endos really seem to think it is anxiety, and want me to see a psychiatrist. I’ve had plenty of anxiety related problems in the past, but to me this really seems physical especially given my lack of appetite and weight loss which is unusual for me. The other part of the problem right now is that I am really sensitive to medication, so I can’t tell if I am feeling bad from whatever is wrong with me, or because of the beta-blockers and anti-anxiety meds. I am going to go for the blood work tomorrow. Hopefully, I will be able to survive the glucose tolerance test since I already feel like passing out all of the time. Sorry this message is so long, but I can’t tell you how nice it is to hear from others who have had the same experience. Thanks for all your responses and good wishes.

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