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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Dear Bruce,
    A bit of reassurance for you. I had the tear duct implant plugs done in 1991 0r 2 because of dry eyes after radial keratotomy. She did it in her office, put collagen plugs in for a week ( they dissolve in a week)to see if they would work for me, and then when they worked, put in the “permanent” ones of silicon. I have been very happy with them, and the best of all, you will appreciate this, they don’t do blood work on you to do it. I am pretty tired of needles these days. Allergic to them, you know <g/>” title=”<g>” class=”bbcode_smiley” />  It was about $80 at that time.  Enjoy!   Karen B in frigid -40 wind chill Michigan.  Whew, that’s chilly.  If I would have planned this GD, I would have planned the hyper phase for the winter time.</p>
<p>My one liner for today is, ” you know you’re in trouble when people think you look 50, and you are.”  K </p>
<p> </g></p>


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    Post count: 93172

    Hi Bruce: Thanks for writing and for the information about the tests. Please read my message to Jeannette and let me know how the endo determines graves vs thyroiditis??
    It seems that I should know more about this stuff after all the reading I have done, but the more I read the more questions I seem to have.

    PS – The “deserts” of California sounds appealing right now after all the cold weather we have been having in New Mexico – You apparently moved from Albuquerque to California, and I moved from California to New Mexico. Guess we were trying to keep the “balance” in population.


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