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  • snelsen
    Post count: 1909

    Hi Boomer,
    it sure is great to have you on the forum! You have helped others by your experiences,a nd I am sure that men who visit the forum will really appreciate meeting you here I love your sense of humor, and you have been a great asset to us!
    Just thinking this right now, so thought I’d write it!

    Post count: 143


    I agree with Shirley.

    Try not to overly think what happened. I know it is hard, but with GD we have all been where you are at – lashing out to others, using words that you would not normally say, this is normal for us. And I think most of us can agree that we have done this on numerous occasions. Friends, loved ones, the lady at the supermarket, the police man etc. There is nothing to be ashamed for, this is part of Graves Disease. And this does get better.

    I would like to tell you my personal experience with drugs if you want to listen.

    I am 45 and when I was 18-21 I was taking every drug known to man at that time. If you were to pass me a pill, I would pop it in my mouth without even asking what it was. I wouldn’t say I had an addiction – but if it wasn’t for a few things that had happened during this time, I am sure I would be dead or on the streets now.

    I met my husband at age 18, shortly after this I got pregnant. I continued to do the drugs (mainly opiates). At my 4th month I had a terrible miscarriage. I was in the hospital when it happened, had a D&C and that was that. It broke my heart, I was literally a mess and kept asking why? (Keep in mind that at 4months, the baby is formed) My mom always told me you might not see it now, but one day you will get your answer. Of course being 18 for one, and losing a baby, how is that even helpful?

    Yet after all this I kept using the drugs. Until one day when I was 21 – I found out I was pregnant again. That day changed the rest of my life. I completely stopped everything. Smoking, pills, everything on that very day. There was no way I was going to go through that hell again. The pregnancy went perfect. Other than, my husband didn’t want to stop the drugs and he continued. And continued through my other 2 pregnancy’s. Until one day, 19years later, I left him. I watched him change, his mind become erratic, he started to hallucinate – He finally decided he wanted to kill us all because he thought I was seeing someone else, which wasn’t possible since he wouldn’t let me leave the house.

    Believe it or not, I now have an extreme phobia to pills. I can’t even take vitamins, or even creams, even some hair shampoos. And as you can imagine, taking the MMI’s was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. It took me 3 months before I would take them (screaming and kicking the whole time). I think this phobia is just deep within my psych. from being paranoid of becoming an addict or dieing. Because sometimes it’s not the high from taking a pill but it is the ‘act’ of taking the pill, and this is something that most people don’t get. And I have a feeling you understand.

    And now, I am doing a lot better with my phobia because of GD. I lived! I made it through without any adverse effects, my mind is so much clearer, and over all I feel ten times better, physically and mentally. So if I go back to what my mom said after I lost the baby – I do have my answer, and am glad (now) that things happened the way they did.

    My point to you is, never give up and keep asking all those questions, because one thing with GD is, it will test your will and spirit. And I believe that you are strong and will get through this.

    Keep up the great work.


    PS: If you want to chat, you can PM me. I also live with an alcoholic and my mom is one as well.

    Post count: 182

    Please stay Boomer! You made me laugh, out loud, and many times. I’ve lost count of the many times I’ve had to apologize to friends, family, coworkers, and strangers because my moods and irritability are off the charts at times and I’ve said things that make me cringe.

    You’ve apologized, we’re all over it, it’s not the first time it’s happened on this forum, and won’t be the last.

    Don’t leave… We need you!


    Post count: 439

    See? Told ya! Get your crab-walking butt back in here! :)

    Post count: 195

    They’re right boomer.

    I said it before, but I will say it again. You are a wonderful addition to our little community. Things have been said and apologized for. Please don’t leave.


    Post count: 102

    I agree with the previous posters. You are human after all! LOL ;)We have all made mistakes and said things we are not proud of and your apology was sincere. Please come back – your sense of humour was a shining beacon and a breath of fresh air that really made my day/s. I haven’t even had the chance to ask how you got your screen name. Not sure if you know it or not, but in Aussie slang Boomer is another name for kangaroos and our national Basketball Team are known as the Boomers. (Us Aussies are a weird mob -we have nicknames or Aussie slang names for all our National teams), so I felt like we had a link in common. Please come back – miss ya heaps!
    Cheers, hugs and kisses
    (A.K.A. Robboford)

    Post count: 133

    We’re sick; you’re good medicine!


    Post count: 231

    I’m with everyone! Come back, little Boomer! :D

    You are missed! This forum needs your humor. Wow, you really lit up the place and it’s dimmer since you left.

    You need us, too. Don’t be alone with your Graves’. It’s a hard thing to go through alone.

    Abby-normal Amy :)

    Post count: 110

    Wait a minute: No cake and ice cream? I knew it was a trap!

    Thanks so much to ALL of you great folks. Yesterday’s history and tomorrow’s a mystery so it’as time to get back down to biz…

    I’m speechless right now so enjoy it- it won’t last ;-)

    Crab-walkingly yours (or is that crabbily walking?),


    Post count: 195

    Yay!! Glad u came back!,


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