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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Dear folks, Just got a book I ordered by E. Denis Wilson, M.D. called
    Wilson’s Syndrome, The Miracle of Feeling Well. 2nd ed 1993 Cornerstone
    Publishing 4524 Curry Ford Road, Suite 211 Orland FLorida 32812.

    Okay, what does this have to do with Graves? well it is about people
    who have various degrees of classic hypothyroid symptoms but whose
    blood checks out normal. He says that if you take your temp
    3x’s a day and average it, and do it 3 days in a row,
    and you come out sub normal that you may never have the heat that puts your enzyemes
    into the proper shape to do what is needed in the cells. Body temperature
    pattern correlate with hypo symptoms indicating that although the blood has good
    has good levels it isn’t happening at the cellular level or you would feel better.
    Interesting that people who tend to have this problems may have been
    related to starvation populations survivors, common in Irish, Russian, some tribal native Americans
    etc. treatment is almost always NOT needed for life! This has to
    do with T-3. Maybe it is pertinent to the article that Debby mentioned
    on medscape, which I haven’t looked up yet. Anyway, I will read it and give a further
    report. But I hope some of you other brains and educated ones will read it too and tell me
    what you think. May not pertain to my situation, though in a way it describes me pregraves, but
    I know there is someone on this BB that this info is for.
    Glad nancy is back. Which I could read out loud to you, as I know your answers are inportant to people. but don’t strain your eyes
    Hey, by the time you get to this post, You’ll be feeling better. And BRUCE
    don’t get new symptoms, or old ones either, No no no! Hope it was very transitory.
    Well, best stop or they will dump me off line. ( You have been Inactive)
    No I am typing a letter. ahhh. Jeannette


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