Let me first say, “You poor thing!” That’s an awful amount of stuff to have to be dealing with.
I, too, had RAI and went hypo pretty quickly. My TSH was 12.8 or higher and I was miserable–crying, screaming, depressed, and understanding suicidal thoughts for the first time in my life. My endo didn’t want to put me on any antidepressants because he wanted to get my thyroid levels in the normal range, then deal with the depression if it was still a problem. Luckily, it disappeared when I was no longer hypo (my TSH is around 4 right now).
As for getting out of the service, I’d think Graves’ would be a darn good reason. It’s on the list of federal disabilities and you’re definitely not in the normal range on your thyroid levels. (Going to a shrink ain’t gonna fix that, either.)
My nephew got out of the Air Force for being diagnosed as manic-depressive and threatening suicide (he didn’t even attempt anything). I’m not suggesting that you do something that desperate, but I wanted you to know that Uncle Sam does let people out of the service, honorably, for those sorts of things.
I’d also recommend getting to a doctor other than a military doctor, if you can, so you can get another opinion. Any endo worth his/her salt would know that your symptoms are hypo and normal for your condition.
My endo put me on eight weeks disability to recover from being so hyper back when I had my RAI. Rest is absolutely necessary for your well-being, no matter how you get it.
Do take care and this BB and the NGDF are wonderful. They have been invaluable to me. (There’s a great bulletin for husbands that you can get if you join the NGDF–very useful.)
Let us know how you fare,
MelindaYou didn’t mention whether your doctor had adjusted your thyroid hormone after he got your TSH reading. I don’t know the reference range for your particular test, but it sounds like you’re really hypo. Did your doctor tell you that/adjust your meds?
I’m new, I’ve read quite a bit from the BB. But I have a problem and though I don’t think anyone out there can help, here it is…
I’m in the military I’ve been in over 10 yrs. I was diagnosed with Graves Disease last August. I had the RIA emediately after I was diagnosed but wasn’t inform much on it. The military likes to keep you blind puppets. Anyway I went from hyper to hypo I’ve been through depression was put on Serzone and went through a class to help manage my depression, and saw a phycologist. During this time I had terrible mood swings yelling at my husband for little or no reason I also had suicidal “tendencies”. I acted terribly and I’m suprised my husband is still with me. Anyway, after about six to eight weeks I started to feel more myself. I went on vacation had fun, enjoyed being with my husband and son. Was off the antidepressants and my phycologist said I was better and I really felt better. That was less than four weeks ago.
I have found out that I’ll be moving, stationed down in Georgia to and Infantry Battalion. I’m expected to have a passport due to the fact that I will be deployed to Saudi or Kuwait six months out of the year. I don’t know about any of you but I can not leave my son for that long of a period.
Seven months after my son was born I had to go to school in Georgia, the school was four months and eight days long. I saw my son four times during that time. It nearly killed me! That’s also during the time I was having problems with my thyroid. My doctor thinks that I was depressed simply because of postpartum depression and leaving my son for those months. He believed it has nothing to do with my thyroid problem.Now, I’ve gone way down hill, I broke down and cried in the endo’s office and he thinks I should be put back on antidepressants and continue seeing my shrink. My TSH level was 19.9 it had gone up from my last visit. So, am I hitting depression again due to stress at work (I have a nasty NCO with no brains to think with.), going to a duty station that I know for a fact I will be deployed, or is it the TSH hanging about in my body? I’d like to get out of the service but am not sure I’ll be able to. I’m desparate and on the verge of doing something really stupid. I really need some advise, help, life raft, or a ticket for me and my family to go to Mexico or Canada.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Time is running out for me. My reporting date it 20 June 2000.
I’m sorry to hear about your delema. I am also active duty military (Navy), I’ve been in 10 years and I was diagnosed in Oct 99. My doctors at Bethesda said I have “mild graves disease.” However, since I was mild, they did not recommend RAI. They wanted to see what the ATDs would do for me. At the initial diagnosis, I was not put on LIMDU. This was in part due to my doctor at Bethesda who happen to be a civilian contractor. I asked him about my duty status and he said, “are you falling asleep at work?” If not, you won’t be on LIMDU. He originally put me on 10mg a day of “Tapazole.” Since my blood work was improving, he decreased my dose to 5mg. Anyway, I transferred in January 2000. The transfer was pretty stressful. Not to mention I got sinuitis. Well, I started feeling rotten again. So, about two weeks ago, I went to see a military doctor at Bethesda. He said, “I am going to put you on LIMDU for 8 months in a non-deployable status” until your levels stabalize. He further said that whenever an active duty member is diagnosed with graves disease, they should automatically go on LIMDU until they are stabalized. But, he said if I get RAI that it is easier to treat than working with ATDs. So, I don’t know what to tell you other than ask your doctor about putting you on LIMDU until you are stabalized. I mean if the Social Security office considers graves disease a disability, how in the world are you going to fight a war in the condition you are in?! I wish you the best of luck!
Yes he did up my meds and suggested that I go on antidepressants. He did tests of my TSH and free T4 but not my T3 He also said that I was close to the normal range and was just doing some fine tuning.
What do you mean that I’m very hypo?
Thanks for you response
I would like to say that yur story is very similar to mine as far as the depression goes and the husband stuff. When I was put on serzone I really didn’t know that I was depressed . I couldn’t sleep at night and I also have a son that is 10 I need to get up to make breakfast for school lunch etc I was having a hard time when I wasn’t sleeping and the arguments that my husband and I were having were awfull the endo put me on serzone and I started to feel better. Actually one weekend as we refer to as the vacumm cleaner weekend I completley lost it and it
a nightmare for me. My 10 year old was watching me with the vacumm cleaner trying to break things including my husbands piano and amplifier. He is a musician. That was the end if that. I called the dR on Mon and that is when I got the serzone. That was a couple of months ago. my TSH was 48.18 it is now .49 they tell me that is good. However it is the weight that I have gained through all this and I tried last week to go off the serzone it was three days I had only halfed the pills I can down to the kitchen and was by myself and stepped on crumbs ,like toast crumbs and just lost it. I was so angry within myself I though oh girl you better get the right amount of serzone in you or there might be another vacumm cleaner weekend. I swear that I never wanat to have that happen. I also have a 25 year old son and his girlfriend is here often so the crumbs is not a problem normally I would pick up the broom.
Hi to do not know why my husband is still with me It seems everything he does I get cross with him or tell him he hasn’t done it right always negative stuff Im trying to be quiet now and have stopped myself often but not often enough I keep on trying. Are you able to go on sick leave (paid)??That is what has happened to me and have been home for a year.
I live in canada . My salary is only 70 % however I really don’t think I could go to work the way my moods are or my sight.Think hard about your priorties and YOU are the most important person in that family as I believe mom’s keep everything together. Get better .
Look after yourself and look into your sickleave
Im sorry I went on so, but I still have a problem with being at home but I still did work for 23 years and shouldn’t feel guilty I didn’t ask this to happen as Im sure my employer didn’t either . It happend for a reason we just have to figure out why us.
Sorry for the babble I have lots more to say but will stop.
Take good care
Lou -
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