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  • catstuart7
    Post count: 225


    Post count: 184

    I have visited a number of different boards, but all are public, I have not stumbled across any that require registration and are closed to public, but there may be some, don’t know.

    Post count: 1909

    I think this site has very good due diligence and screening, regarding the posts we read here. My suggestion to you is to (either)change your name (if catstuart7 is used for many sites, or your email account.) Or, establish a new email account on one of the free email websites, gmail, hotmail, google, and have it exist solely for this site.

    I have occasionally looked at the Yahoo group site for TED. It is much more vulnerable to spam, and you are never quite sure who is posting.

    I think I would probably follow my own suggestion if I wanted to post something that I did not want associated with my name and where I live.
    It is such a good site, I hope you find a way to use it with any subject. PM’s are another good way to communicate with a specific person rather than everyone. One of the benefits of the sites is sharing experiences. But, of course, there certainly is a place for private conversation, too.

    Post count: 1909

    I think this site has very good due diligence and screening, regarding the posts we read here. My suggestion to you is to (either)change your name (if catstuart7 is used for many sites, or your email account.) Or, establish a new email account on one of the free email websites, gmail, hotmail, google, and have it exist solely for this site.

    I have occasionally looked at the Yahoo group site for TED. It is much more vulnerable to spam, and you are never quite sure who is posting.

    I think I would probably follow my own suggestion if I wanted to post something that I did not want associated with my name and where I live.
    It is such a good site, I hope you find a way to use it with any subject. PM’s are another good way to communicate with a specific person rather than everyone. One of the benefits of the sites is sharing experiences. But, of course, there certainly is a place for private conversation, too.

    Post count: 1

    Well Im new to this board and graves disease. I go next week for the radionuclear whatever test. I live in vegas which is going to change. I feel the heat coming. On morning here when its above 85 I get a fever. Anything lower and Im fine. They gave me beta blockers which I guess are working so so. I have been getting the shakes really bad. I feel like Im a dirty martini thats been shaken too much. I dont know how many men have graves but from what Ive been told and read its not many, My father was in vietnam and if anyone knows anything about that war the govt used something called agent orange to kill the foilage. It also made the men VERY sick. My father died a horrible horrible death. It scares me. I turned 40 in feb and its been downhill ever since! Like I said Im in eaarly stages of being diagnosed and figuring out what they will do. They are trying to to figure out why I have this and if there is cancer in my thyroid. If its spread to my lymph nodes which if so I think Im done for. We are moving I hope by mid june. The desert has GOT TO GO!I need somewhere cooler to live.

    Post count: 326

    Hi Matthew,

    I can’t give you any insight on being a male with Graves as I’m a 27-year-old female, but I wanted to let you know that I also chose to move when the heat + Graves became too much to bear. I left Florida in February and when we had one freak day last month when it was 92F, I felt terrible. My Graves is under control but the heat intolerance is not. People couldn’t believe I was moving because I was too hot, but when you have Graves, hot weather doesn’t feel good anymore. Good luck, and get to somewhere with seasons!

    Oh, and don’t jump to conclusions about cancer and lymph nodes. I had two tumor scares and trust me, it’s not worth stressing over until you have the appropriate test results. Both of mine came back normal, but the first time I actually went to a lawyer to have a will drawn up…at 26!

    Post count: 1909

    Hi Matthew and catstuart,
    I’d like to give you some encouraging news from my own experience with Graves’ in the hyper stage. I experienced hyper in a very cold Iowa winter, and yet again, when I had a trial going of ATD’s in the hot humid Iowa summer. Even though it was around zero degrees most days, I was marching around our barracks (married student housing at a university) in shorts and a tank top. I kept our home around 55 degrees, frequently left the door open to cool off. NOONE wanted to come to see me. My husband was so cold. I was a total freak and totally freaked OUT with my sensitivity to heat.
    ***smile. When the ATD’s kicked in, I was a different person. Normal like most people. Had the thermostat at 72-75. Wore sweaters. All better.

    THEN, I was doing so well, that we weaned the ATD’s. I became full blown hyper almost immediately, with all the heat intolerance back full guns. But now it was in the 90’s and humid as hell in Iowa. I was MISERABLE. Just like both of you have felt. It was hell. But at least, I was not freezing out all the people around me. We did not have air conditioning.

    Back on ATD’s (tapezol) In three weeks, all better again. Normal bitching about the heat. But not a crazy person like I was before. Soon after, I had a thyroidectomy.

    Now, many years later, probably because I am much older, I tend to be cold, rather than warm. But the extremes you are both experiencing, probably will dissapate when you are on the other end of Graves’ treatment.
    I did find,that when we decreased my Synthoid recently, that I was COLD! Surprisingly, being pathologically cold was as bad as being pathologically hot!
    We tried to do that ’cause my labs show that TSH is usually suppressed. Either T3 or T4, can’t remember which one, was a little high.

    Matthew, I am sorry you have this period of time to wait to begin your treatment. but the time will pass, and you know all the information you need to know. Thyroid cancer is very, very rare, and unrelated to Graves’. Many people have nodules in their thyroid gland, and most are benign. If you can, I encourage you to think about getting better with Graves’, and realize that thyroid cancer is soooo far out there, it is not even worth thinking about.

    And, it is very treatable, and rarely spreads.
    Matthew, If you move, I have the perfect spot for you! Seattle, where I live!
    People whine about the heat here if it hits 75! Which usually happens a few days in the summer. Summer for us is in the high 60s low 70s. And beautiful.

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