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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Everyone,

    I found this web site today that has thyroid jokes. One of them
    is from Dr. Nancy Patterson (NGDF). I thought it was a good one!

    Michele B.

    Post count: 93172

    Hello squoo!
    We cannot tell you which treatment to use. You must research for yourself. May I suggest going to our home page and clicking on the reading list? You may purchase the types of materials you will need to make the right choices for YOU there. Our recommendations for the newly diagnosed patients are:

    “Your Thyroid, A Home Reference” by Drs. Wood, Cooper and Ridgway

    “The Thyroid SourceBook” by Sara Rosenthal

    Both are written in terms that anyone can understand.

    Keep reading and hopefully it will help you decide what is the right treatment plan for you.

    Online Facilitator, NGDF

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