I’ll try keep it short and to the point. I had a blood test with ‘normal’ results and I’m frustrated with this outcome based on my symptoms.
The changes in my eyes has me a bit freaked out.
Where do I go from here?
What additional tests can I have done?
What questions should I be asking my primary care doctor?I have not seen an endocrine dr yet.
My symptoms:
-Hand tremor (20+ years)
-Inflamed pink eyelids especially outer margins/dry eye (20+ years)
-Constant caffeinated feeling (20+ years)
-Double vision when trying to focus especially up close (about 6-12 months)
-Left lid slightly droopy (about 2 years)
-Right eye goes off center when trying to focus, drifts outwardly (i just noticed this but is likely the cause for my double vision now probably about 6-12 months).Meds:
Propranolol 80mg/day (5 years) helps calm down the caffeinated feeling has help greatly with this.Test results:
[edited to remove labs]
Thank you!
MikeHello and welcome – We are fellow patients here, not doctors, so we can’t make a diagnosis for you. (And I’ve removed the lab images to protect your personal information.)
I would definitely seek out an endocrinologist. Waits can sometimes be lengthy, but your primary care provider might be able to cut through the red tape with a referral – or if you can ask to be placed on the cancellation list, that can get you in more quickly.
An experienced ophthalmologist could also help you sort out the cause of the eye issues. It *is* possible to have thyroid eye disease with “normal” labs, but it would be good to have other potential issues ruled out.
Thank you for replying.
I suppose I’m just looking for the right questions to ask. My primary doctor would not have given me the anti-body thyroid test if I hadn’t asked for it. I can probably get in to see an endo soon, and I have an eye doctor appointment on the 27th. Based on my symptoms, are there any certain questions I should be asking them?
Thanks again.
Usually the double vision in Graves is caused by esotropia (eyes turning in) and/or it is vertical diplopia. This means you at first see double looking to the sides at distance, then in central vision at distance, not at near like when reading. Images can also appear vertically double or even at an angle. Eyes may look crossed all the time and as the double vision is caused by the muscles swelling and taking up space in the orbit, your eyes will actually bulge out of the orbits. I am no doctor but your eye symptoms could also fit myasthenia gravis which causes eye muscle fatigue or a neurological problem.
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