Please let me know how the scan goes. My doctor wants me to do one but I am not so receptive to taking radioactive iodine in any amounts. I was diagnosed with Grave’s last month and have found many natural healing books on the subject. I have been following a regimine of whole foods, herbs and supplements and am happy to say that I am feeling better.
ya know, i was feeling fine…i thought-
then i had this regular check up and the doctor felt my neck.
He sent me for a blood work, it came back and he says my thryoid is over active, now i gotta go for this thyroid scan(tomorrow morning) and it seem like ever since my appt. with the endo i have been feeling terrible… what gives! I was going along minding my life feeling pretty good…. now i feel like *&^%! blah
wish i never went to the doctor in the first place!Hi Joan:
Don’t dispear. I think that it is wonderful that your doctor
cought your thyroid troubles this early. Undiagnosed and
Untreated Graves disease can cause a whole host of medical
problems later on. We are here for you. Follow that old
cliche: one step at a time. CarolynThanks Carolyn. Agreed. One step at a time. Today was step one.
To Everyone Here At The BB
Hi everyone it feels really good to have our BB back as it has been very tough for me latley and I feel like it is getting the best of me,meaning this darn eye disease,i really truly feel it’s taking over my life,it hurts it really hurts that you have something controlling your life the way that it does.
I just happened to have bumped my eye the other day when I was blow-drying it and you would not believe my eye,it’s crazy, a little bump and major damage to the eye.I can’t even see out of that eye,not to mentionthat I stop driving as of today for good unless I have major changes to my eyes then I would go out and buy another car but for now my car is sold and that hurts it was my baby.It really hurts one persons life thats for sure I hate this darn disease.take care everyone little warrior Barb :<( -
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