My husband was diagnosed with Graves 3 years ago. We recently moved to a new area and his new Dr. has him off his medication, Methimazole, and the Dr. is doing bloodwork every 4 weeks to monitor things. His numbers are ‘normal’ but he is not. My husband will admit he does not feel good but overall, he is in denial that anything is wrong with him. Everything seems to be my fault. As his wife, I am determined to keep lifting him up and getting him through this….but as his cheerleader, well, that part is getting harder. Any advice would be greatly appreciated…..
Hello and welcome to our forum.
First, thank you for being a cheerleader for your husband! Many patients see their support systems crumble just when they need it most.
I hope that your husband has discussed with his doctor that he just isn’t feeling well. Obviously, though, it’s easier said than done to get through to someone who is in denial!
I don’t know where you are located, but we have a patient & family conference coming up Oct. 26-28 in San Diego. You can get the details at our home page at http://gdatf.org/
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I’ve spoke to other couples who have attended and really felt that the educational programming and the breakout support group sessions gave them a better sense of connection and understanding.
We also have several free informational bulletins at http://gdatf.org/about/about-graves-disease/patient-education/ Bulletin #29 would be an especially good one; it’s called “Graves’ Disease from a Man’s Perspective”.
I wish I had some easier answers for you, but please know that you can always come here for support. Wishing you and your family all the best!
Thank you for your reply! I have been reading many of the articles on your website and have found them very helpful.
My husband’s next appt. with his Dr. is in September. I think I may ask if I can go along and hopefully we can share with his Dr. some of the concerns that have been at the forefront lately in regards to his Graves Disease.
In the meantime, it’s time to get back to cheerleading and work to keep my husband’s focus on getting well!
Thanks again for your support!
Sometimes it is tough arguing with a new doctor, one who doesn’t know what your husband is like. I’ve known my endocrinologist for three years. Probably like your husband and his last doctor, the doctor could probably get a sense by observing him. Your husband will likely benefit from your presence.
Thank you for your response. I only want to help and not be a stumbling block so to say! The Dr. said he will be ready at the Sept. appointment to make a decision on what type of treatment will be best for my husband. I am encouraged at that all by itself! So this will be the best time for me to go along and find out what will be next. I must say, this Graves Disease has surely been a challenge! But with lots of hope and good, caring people to help….he will be in good hands!
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