How long have you been on tapazole? I know I had a terrible time sleeping until mine "kicked in." And us sick mommies need our sleep!!!!! After being on meds for about 6 weeks, I was feeling a little better and sleeping better. I too would wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to fall asleep again. I would also try to rest during the day, but you know how unpredictable that is with kids. Graves + exhaustion + anxiety = TERRIBLE ,HORRIBLE!!! My daughter (5 yrs old) still ends up with us some nights. but I find I actually sleep better with her in bed with me (or me in her bed) because then I don’t lie awake wondering if she’s going to wake up. I know some parenting experts don’t agree with that…but I don’t care.
” title=”Smile” />
I don’t have any magic words. TRY to get to bed earlier sometimes – even resting is better than nothing. TRY to rest during the day some. TRY to not get "as much done" during the day and have a more leisurely pace – easier said than done. TRY to read to help you relax – or take a warm bath. I also found that when I could exercise again I slept better as well.
I remember how excited I was when I had a dream again – it meant I actually slept!!!
Hang in there.
Firstly, my four year old is in the bed with us every night and I have the baby in the cot next to me so yes I can sympathise, however, like Emily I find it easier have the 4 year old in the bed as at least I know when he wakes (which he does most nights even in our bed) that I don’t have to get up and into another room sit there for ages then try to get back to sleep.
When my levels were all over the place I was awake until around 4 am then sleep for may be 3 hours before the kids awoke and then like you I couldn’t get back to sleep. Even now if I am woken I find it very hard to get back to sleep. I appreciate you are taking a nap as I had to do that for months while I was so unwell, but as I started to feel better I tried to just "rest" instead so would put on a film or read a book instead of sleeping so by the time bedtime came I was more tired…It didn’t always help as sometimes I was over tired. I sometimes drink Ovaltine which is like a milky malt drink and that soothes me. I will be honest and say though that at my bad time I was on 30mg of Diazepam and still not sleeping. Some nights now when I am over tired or anxious I resort to taking 5mg.
Most nights I bath the kids then get into a bath myself and we are all in our Pjs’ some nights at 5pm
” title=”Smile” /> I tidy the house then I lie on top of my bed and either surf facebook (as Emily and battamama will tell you lol), read a book or watch a DVD. I may still be awake at midnight but I am resting and settling myself for bed.
How long have you been on the medication? I’m sorry there is no easy answer but I promise it does get better even if it is in small steps.
My insomnia is getting worse. I am sleeping maybe 4 hours a night. I can get to sleep. But once I get woke up I cannot fall back asleep for hours. My husband goes to bed everynight at like 2-3 in the morning. I have a 3 yr old who is in her toddler bed beside my bed that wakes up every night crying for me. That is why her bed is beside of mine. It takes more out of me waking up and walking to her in the other room with her screaming (STRESS). Even if I was in another bedroom. I dont know if it would help. Because I know my husband could not handle her crying in the middle of the night. He would end up sending her to me. What do I do?!?! I do not want any more meds. I am on four already. Let me get hem because I know you will all be asking, lol.
Propranolol 10mg 1 pill three times a day
Tramadol HCL 50 mg 1-2 pills as needed for pain
Tapazole 10 mg 1 pill 2 times a day
Prednisone 10 mg 1 a day
I have Graves disease that causes my Hyperthyroid and TED. I just want and need sleep. I take a nap even during the day. But once someone wakes me (kids or the phone) I am up cant rest even though I am so tired. Does anyones else have this problem and if so what have you done to get rest? By the way where is the little stressed smiley? We really need one becaise none of those smiles can explain the way I feel when I am stressed (which I do alot). We need one pulling its hair out. Definately!I just started the Tapazole and the one below it. The proprantnol I have been on about a month now. I dont care what the experts say about my child at 3 1/2 sleeping close to me or in my bed. I feel however I can get somfort and rest I need I am for it. LOL. I do love to read and my long hot bathes. What I run into is the quietness! Ohhh how I dream of quietness and everyone leaving me alone. I can tell by your posts that more is involved in this Graves Disease then the dr told me. All I was told by my Endo is you have Graves disease it is caused by your immune system and it is attacking your thyroid and eyes thinking they do not belong to your body. And thats why I am tired, hot, moody and why your eye is swelling. By the way I see the eye specalist on the 8th of August. I hope I get sleep soon. Glad to know I am not alone in feeling this way. Hey we should all exchange IMs in the middle of those sleepless nights, ugggg. LOL Thanks
I have a partial answer for you. I was on steroids for headaches for a while. That is probably….the prednisone….part of the biggest problem for you. But at the same time, if you need them, then you need them. I too still have sleeping problems, and I have an 8 year old that likes to be in bed, or at least in the room with mommy. And I too found it easier most of the time. I also have a 2 year old still in her crib in my room. She was a preemie and has had some medical problems. The best advice I can give you is rest when you can, and sleep when you can. If you have someone…friend or relative that can come over during the day so you can get an uninterupted nap, that may help also. Let’s face it, if your gonna be up at night anyway, at least you’ve gotten some sleep. Hope this helps. RhondaGirls why are the kids still in your rooms? I had to teach mine to sleep through the night and that was by putting them in their own rooms. It was hard but I had to do it.
It is hard to put yourself first with little ones in the house but this may really be the time to ask your husband to take over at night. The separate room might be best for you alone. It sounds easier to keep them with you but in the long run I think it sends a message that they have the control and not you. Graves already makes you feel like you’re out of control anyway.
Like mamabear I had to teach mine to be in their own rooms when they were little. I realized that I couldn’t make them sleep but they could learn that this was a time to be in their rooms or in bed. It takes tears and screams but it wasn’t more than a week to get them to put themselves to sleep. I will say they were under two when I did this.
Whatever your parenting style and we’re all different, now isn’t the time to let things that don’t have to happen keep you from your sleep if at all possible.
Hope things are getting a little easier.
Hey don’t want to get into all of this but I will say one last thing is that yes we did the tears, putting them back into the room a hundred times a night etc… not just for a week but for months.. been exceptionally firm both of us….it doesn’t always work regardless of how strict you are or how long you perservere. My eldest has a lovely nature but is exceptionally strong willed..
As one of my colleagues agreed its ok when it lasts a few weeks but when it goes into months then it really starts to beat you down. At the end of the day when you are so unwell the main issue for me was that I was getting sleep. I am the youngest of 6 and my elder sister was a terrible sleeper and in my parents bed and that was a mother of vast experience.
Its true we are all different and I am a compassionate mother but firm even though I have been unwell for a few years.
Happy sleeping all
hyperm wrote:. not just for a week but for months..You all don’t need a nights rest YOU ALL NEED A MONTH AT THE MOST EXPENSIVE HOTEL WITHOUT ANOTHER PERSON IN SIGHT!!!!!!
You got me!!! I wuold have to agree that yes months of it would make me put the kid in my bed.
Emily being in my bed is an easy fix right now. LOL. We all need sleep. I do agree with trying to get kids in thier own beds from the begining. Emily started out in her own and my other two children have always been in thier own beds. The past two years have not been the ideal family life. My husband lost his job. We had to sell everything in our home to move 5 states away. To stay in my sisters 3 bedroom singlewide trailer. So she had to sleep with us. Now that we are in our own home and things are back to normal. She goes to sleep in her bed. 5 nights out of 7 she will end up in my bed. Then after she is asleep most the time I will slide her back into her bed. I did talk to her last (she is very smart) we talked about Christmas, she wants a princesses bed with purple sheets and princesses on it. LOL So I asked would you like a big girl bed like your sisters. She said yes and I told her she would have to put it in her sisters room and sleep in there all night. So we will see after Christmas. Her birthday is in Nov may aim for the time frame to get it.
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