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  • Raspberry
    Post count: 273

    So I have TED affecting both eyes, some pains behind the eye, constant irritation of the conjunctiva, some periorbital swelling, and noticeable but not too bad proptosis on one eye. It could be a lot worse but I ain’t havin’ a party. A big idea hit me last night as I was trying to sleep. I tend to sleep mostly on the side where the eye is bigger, and I’ve always really pushed my face into the pillow which probably puts pressure on that eye. That is the only thing I can think of which affects that one eye and not the other.

    So for those of you out there like me with lopsided proptosis do you sleep on the bigger side more?

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – I asked this question once during a presentation from an ophthalmologist, and his comment was that docs don’t really understand the process that causes one eye to be affected and not the other. He compared it to rheumatoid arthritis (also an autoimmune condition) where one knee can be horribly impacted, and the other knee end up just fine.

    It will be interesting to see what responses you get, though!

    Post count: 25

    I have TED affecting both eyes as well and one has always been worse-greater proptosis, more swelling, more pain. It even pushed right out of the socket (globe subluxation) once. And now that I’m thinking about it, that is the side that I tend to sleep on more. Maybe just a coincidence, but I’m interested to see what others say as well!

    Post count: 182

    I have it worse on one side than the other but it’s not the side I sleep on. I questioned my ophthalmologist as to whether sleeping on one side vs the other helped or aggravated the condition and he didn’t seem to think it did either of these. Who knows? What does anyone really know about this crazy disease?! I continue to be amazed how much the medical community truly doesnt know about this…..

    Post count: 102

    Hi all,
    Nothing surprises me with this journey we are all on. My left eye has always been the worst affected side, but in the last 4 weeks my right eye symptoms are gradually increasing also. So many strange things have happened to me, my left eyebrow was always thinning quicker than my right, same as my underarm hair (unfortunately my hairy legs haven’t had this happen, if anything I think it has been growing quicker than usual – LOL, just my luck, I wouldn’t complain if it had stopped growing completely), and yet the pretibial myxdoema (spelling??) mainly affects my right shin and only very rarely and not as severe on my left shin. A few other symptoms only occur on my left side but not sure if this is coincidental or related – who knows so many unanswered questions etc., I just go with the flow now, life is for living even though my quality of life has suffered and not at it’s best; after all, I’ll be dead for a long time. (Sorry if my warped outlook on life offends some – it gets me through the days and nights and keeps me fighting on). Stay well all.
    Cheers, hugs and kisses

    Post count: 273

    Thanks for your responses! Looks like so far we have two votes for proptosis on the sleeping side one one for not. Not enough for a definitive study result yet…

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