Such good news!!!!!!!!
I’m heading in the right direction as well – labs are all "normal" on lowest dose of methimazole. What a good feeling to know that things are improving – I had a hard time believing it a few months ago.
My endo asked what my biggest change is. I told her that not wondering how I’m going to feel each day – I can just assume it’ll be a good day. I don’t have to avoid things anymore or plan my life around Graves. Not that everyday is perfect, but SO MUCH BETTER!
Wishes to you for remission..
And to those who can’t believe they will EVER feel better (I was there a few months ago), keep being patient. it really doesn’t last forever, just feels like it..
Thank you so much for keeping us up to date on how you are doing. It is so nice to read posts like this… It gives me so much hope.
Please keep on bringing the good news!!
Hugs to you both
LakeviewHello Everyone,
Just wanted to update everyone on how things are going with my GD. I went to my Endo 2 weeks ago and he reduced my PTU does to 50mg a day!! Can you believe it?? I was taking 400mg just 4 months ago-ready for RAI….and now….my labs have suddnely changed:) My Endo said that he thinks I’m going into remission..who would have thought? I was sooooooo ready for RAI.
As of today, I feel great! I get labs done again in 2 weeks to check up on things…if all is well in 2 weeks, I will be off ATD’s and going to a 3 month check up!!
For anyone reading this post…..STAY HOPEFUL!! I have had two thyroid storms, and very high radioactive uptake, 0.001 tsh, death feelings, and my endo telling me that I need RAI asap. Somehow, someway…things changed quickly with my labs. I have had GD for almost 2 years!! Never have my labs changed for the good in a short period of time.. Hope for positive changes!!!
” title=”Very Happy” />
Your posts are encouraging! Glad to see that the meds are doing the job intended and that your levels are normalizing with the reduction of ATD. These are all positive signs.
Make sure you ask your Dr. if a TSI test is warranted prior to him taking you off of the ATD’s. If any of those rogue antibodies are still present, coming off of ATD’s too quickly could lead to a relapse, especially for someone with a fairly new diagnoses. Ask him about weaning slowly, even if it means breaking the pill in half or alternating dosages each day. I tried the cold turkey approach myself after about 18 months on ATD after being on 5mg/day Methimazole for a good number of months. I ended up relapsing within about 3 months the first time. I wish I would have had my Dr. monitor my antibody levels prior to coming off of ATD’s. Even if the antibodies are just slightly elevated, smaller doses of ATD may be order for a longer period of time (ask your Dr. about this). I’ve often wondered about the auto immunomodulatory aspect of ATD’s as well, there is still great debate about the benefits (if any). This would be a good question for the experts at the conference this Fall.
Keep up being positive and take care of yourself. Good to see you are doing so well.
Thanks James for the good advice. I’ve only on the meds since March, so I know I’ve got a ways to go…just happy to be on the way there. My endo did say we’d wean slowly after at least 18 months.
Thanks everyone for your posts:) I’m very happy about the positive report…especially when the past two years has been so overwhelming with major ups and downs.
I was able to take my two older sons to Disney last week and ride ALL the rides without even checking my heart rate monitor…lol That was a good sign for me:)
James, that is a good idea about alternating doses. Right now I’m taking 25mg in the AM..then 25 in the PM. Also, my endo has not tested my Antibodies. He said that you can have elevated antibodies without having GD, or thyroid issues?. I don’t even understand that, but maybe I can see if he will check on them in my next round of labs:) Thanks!SO happy to hear this!!!!!
Remember that keeping you healthy is key too! Washing hands when coming home should be a set rule in the house regardless of how old the person is. Walk in and wash hands! or the frying pan will fly across the room LOL!!! It is not paranoia, it is just a way of life that you have to learn. It will become second nature to you but remember it will only be 2nd to "YOU". No one else so don’t get mad that you have to remind adults and kids to wash up lol. I swear that has saved my family from many ickies that are going around. Hand washing is so simple and wiping the door knobs toilet handles adn light switches are a must as well.
I am so happy that your levels are doing well and you are feeling ok. DOn’t be put off if you come out of remission after going off the meds fully, you can always try it again. DOn’t let the dr. push for the RAI to heavily, if remission doesn’t happen just gently remind him that the PTU was donig good for you so it should be tried again. Or just nag him LOL.
It is possible to have antibodies without symptoms ~ what James is suggesting is that, if your antibody levels are low when you drop the meds, you have a better shot at maintaining a remission. So if you test at high levels of antibodies, you may want to just continue on a very very small dose of meds until the antibody levels come down, then stop the meds.
I was able to take my two older sons to Disney last week and ride ALL the rides without even checking my heart rate monitor…lol That was a good sign for me:)I had to laugh because my kids and I recently went to a waterpark and I too rode the slides! I don’t know who was more excited, me or them. My son asked "how’s your heart rate?" after the first time. It was a good feeling!
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