After many long years we are ready to go to print with the third priting of "Graves’ Disease In Our Own Words"
Nancy has been asking when we will be ready. I had the last book scanned and have almost finished updating it to get it to Dr. Patterson for one final look before we go to print.
We will be adding a few new articles on Thyroid Eye Disease and update the testing used to determine our thyroid levels as well as antibodies.
We will be printing with Namatasi Press. It is a division of Virtual Tales Publications. It is to be the first non-fiction book printed by them. Namatasi, is Lenape Indian for "Friend or companion" I came up with the name last year.
I have Graves’ disease but yet have been able to write 4 books. I became an editor for Virtual Tales Publications four years ago. Was promoted to senior editor three years ago and made a full partner in the company two years ago. I convinced them to start a non-fiction division and our Graves’ book will be our first non-fiction printing with many more to come.
Never in my worst days did I think I would be able to continue working let along continue writing. Yet here I am. Still working, still writing and about to release our third printing of Graves’ Disease In Our Own Words.
Thank you Nancy for the years of effort we put into the first edition.
I will keep you all updated as we move along in the print process.