I am a member of a mums network and recently someone has started a thread for thyroidism. It was rather worrying to read some peoples input and how they were advising each other. It is apparant that these are people who have little understanding of thyroidism apart from a diagnosis themselves. One of the questions someone asked was " Have you ever heard of problems with eyesight in thyroidism?" The person who runs the thread replied NO! and others said they had never heard anything associated with eye problems. Now by no means do I profess to know all about thyroidism hence the reason why I am always on here
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But surely this is worrying that people are going here for support.Thats when you realise just how good this site is… with a mix of info/ experiences and most of all our fantastic moderators who have such a wealth of knowledge!
I am sure you will all agree this is the best site out there!!!
Long may it continue!
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I will toast to that one, Hyperm. I am amazed at how little nurses and doctors know – let alone the general public. We, here, are the pioneers – the ones who are truely the change agents. I agree – it takes all of us!!!
You better believe this is a great site! I haven’t found as much material or support anywhere else. You should ALL be proud of yourselves, patients and moderators both. God bless us all.
Thanks for the praise. It is things like this that make hours of work worth it all!
We work REALLY hard to NOT give advice, but to give you sound, "evidence-based" (that’s the new term for things that can be proven–not just one person’s opinion) information. It’s scarey6 to see mis-information on the Internet, because it seems that most people feel that if they read it on the "Net, it must be TRUE! NOT!
I AGREE with you Hyperm!! Thanks to everyone that facilitates this site…may we always be here to support one another!!
Here at NGDF we as Nancy says…
Educate, Encourage, Empower!Mamabear’s twist to the (EEE) and I hope it makes you all smile ….
Educate: Finding you have GD and gathering as much information as possible.
Encourage: Build yourself up to do what you need to do to get healthy and stay healthy.
Empower: Empower your foot to kick Graves’ Disease’s BUTT!!!!!!!
There is nothing like a cold glass of Neener Neener and laughing at this disease when you can. I know it sounds childish but I try to embrace my inner brat. lol
I agree that laughter is the key. Being carefree and laughing at yourself really does help. If I forget things (brain fog), if I am short tempered, sleep a lot or just don’t act like I should, I blame it on being bratty. I laugh it off and my family is learning how to laugh it off also. We try not to get mad about little things.
Watch kids. They get mad at each other and forget about it a minute later. Like it never happen. We can’t stay mad at ourself for something we can’t always control. It would also be nice if other’s didn’t stay mad at us for the same reason. I want to share with all of you what we will be doing at our end of Summer Graves’ Disease Picnic
Our Graves’ Disease Support Group is not having a regular type meeting next month. Since we are having a pot luck picnic we will also have hula hoop’s, play horse shoe’s, and other kid games. This way the whole family will play together…and yes laugh together again. We are also having a drawing contest. Everyone has to draw a face of Graves’ Disease. Everyone get’s to vote for the best one. Everyone will get their very own box of crayons to take home.
This site is the best ever…the people here really do understand, and are very informed. Sometimes I think they are more informed then my ex Endo..no joke folks.
Mamabear…you sure that foot isen’t for the Dr’s also at times????*LOL*
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