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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Thanks for the info, Bruce, on aches and pains and eye symptoms. I’ve spent the whole evening reading the bulletin board responses. I just discovered the BB a few days ago. I am so impressed with the information available through this source. I think that my entire way of coping with this disease has been to ignore it (Kathy from Canada reminded me of me). Outside of taking my Synthroid every day, I just assumed I was one of the lucky ones who wasn’t going to have much trouble with those pesky symptoms. So I have coped with my hair falling out (this finally subsided, thank God), weight gain over the last five years of 50 pounds (just thought it was the perimenopausal thing), fatigue, high blood pressure (probably related to the weight gain), dry eyes and muscle aches (blamed again on that age thing). I realize that I have not been paying attention to this condition and that I have to become active to get well. I haven’t seen my doctor in over a year. I plan to make an appointment tommorrow and go armed with some new information from you guys. I printed out the information on Armour thyroid (thanks Joan Ryan) and plan to “share” this with my doc. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks to you all for reinspiring me to take charge of my body. One last note about shakiness: I remember right after I was diagnosed I looked at my checkbook register and you could see my disease progress in my handwriting, getting more and more shaky every day. :)


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