Sweet Ashley,
I am sorry for your struggles, it is difficult. I think being a teenager with Graves is especially hard, with that being said my daughter (15 1/2) has Graves and is going through her own set of struggles too. I cannot speak for her but I will ask if she is up for a new correspondent. She has never spoken to or known another teen with Graves, so this might be good for her too. Let me run this by her tomorrow – she is busy tonight as she has a big chemistry test tomorrow.
FYI, we are in the Chicago area and she just had her thyroid removed on 9/30/09. She was on methenazole for about 2 years prior to surgery.
Take care, will get back to you in a day or two.
Jill Marie
i’m 17 and was diagnosed with graves in june, when i was 16,
my levels are not easily regulated, none of my doctors have ever had a someone like me,
i’m currently taking methenazole,
i go to the doctor every week, and get blood test every single week,
the dose changes every week, i’ve been everywhere from no pills to 13,
plus blood pressure pills,
i have experienced, all of the syptoms,
hair loss, Weight gain!!, nose bleeds, serve muscle cramps, the skin is falling of my hands and feet,
i get stressed out really easy going through all of this,
and its my senior which adds more stress to everything,
and i thought it would be nice to talk to someone my age about,
but i can’t seem to find anyone, ?” title=”Confused” />
My daughter is a teenager, too – or was until recently, I should say – she just turned 20. She was diagnosed with Grave’s in the summer of 2008 – and has been on methimazole since then (when she remembers to take it…). She will have RAI in two weeks. Have your doctors talked to you about this option? From what I have read – and someone please correct me if I am misinformed about this! – it is less likely that teens will go into remission on medication. Not sure why doctors would try meds for such a long period of time if you are miserable and have so many symptoms. You should ask them about RAI and surgery – the two other options for treatment. Keep us posted on how you are doing.
Oh – just saw that you were diagnosed this past summer in June -? Was thinking that you meant a year ago. So I can see why your docs want to give your meds a try – it hasn’t been all that long – relatively. I’m sure it seems like ages to you. Hang in there…..but do ask about other options for treatment. Sounds like you are having a rough time….
yes, i was diagnosed with it in june of 2009,
so it was recently,
i’v almost been hospitallized twice because i became so sick,
we have the disscussed the RAI with my doctor,
because they said they will never be able to regulate the medication,
they also said they do not think the RAI will work,
they beileve they would have to do it twice,
and even then it would work, i’d need the surgery, which would be harden at that point.
they think surgery is the best option,
i have a consulation with a surgon friday,
i’d just like to be normal to start college in the fall,Hi, Ashley:
You really have been having a hard time with this disease! Please know that once the doctors have gotten control over your thyroid (however they accomplish it) you will begin to regain your health. We do get well again once we can get our thyroid levels under control.
Keeping you in my thoughts,
My daughter would love to talk to you – her name is Maddie and she is 15 1/2 and as I said she just had surgery on 9/30 to remove her thyroid.
Please contact via me initally at my e-mail address (see below) to protect both of your privacy and then I promise to completely step aside.Keep your spirits up,
Hi Ashley,
I was 19 when I was intitially diagnosed with GD, just finishing up my freshmen year of college. I think I had it for quite awhile before that though, my guess is throughout my senior year of high school. I am now 21 and in my fourth year of college. I had RAI this past June after the ATDs failed to work, and still trying to feel "normal" again.
I know I’m a bit older than you and not exactly a teen anymore, but I’d be happy to chat if you’d like
” title=”Very Happy” /> Going through senior year of high school and getting through college all while trying to control this disease can be a challange. It’s hard to find people around our age to talk.
Let me know if you have any questions and best of luck feeling well again!
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