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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Back on track…

    When I seemed to be staying in the nice and normal thryoid hormone level realms..and tapazole dose was coming down and down, two times, my doc, in an effort to save me, who pays up front with my BIG deductible, some money, he did TSH and T-4…but not T-3. TSH and T-4 were normal..
    I contined to cool off and pulse slow etc.. so a little less tapzole taken and it seemed okay. Then I had what seemed like HYPO symptoms.
    I wanted to stop the meds! We did a 2nd blood test, (two weeks since previous one where TSH was a little low) that showed t-4 still normal, but TSH had started to go down more …
    T-4 still NORMAL, but T-3 is high..back up where I was in January.
    My doctor said it is his impression that there is a grey area of symptoms, where the diffeerence between hypo and hyper is hard to discern. So, back up to 5mgs of Tap for me. My eyes have reflected each of these up and downs. I am hoping they will like going back to normal T-3. Here I go. Jeannette

    Post count: 93172

    First,…Hats off to jeanette for her ” water on ice” post. It brought tears to my eyes. Jeanette, you have a beautiful gift with words. I was diagnosed 4 weeks ago and am on PTU. The Ups and Downs are enormous. I think its very important the BB remain a resource for everybody, without exclusion.
    i have asked my endo about checking T3 because although my FT4 is down i still have many hyper symptoms. He feels that since PTU inhibits the conversion of FT4 to T3 it is an unnecessary test. Anyone have info on this? Julie

    Post count: 93172

    My endo said since I was on Armour thyroid, there wouldn’t be any point in
    doing a T3 test since it would be erratic. Sounds similar. Sounds like
    insurance pressure.

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