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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Happy Friday!!

    Anyone know much about which medicaiton is best my Pharm. thought synthroid is the best. I am also taking a dieretic, but I have been having muscle spasms in my neck lately. I know when I was hyper I got them in my calves just awful but after going hypo I started getting them even in my thighs and lately they have been in my neck. Aren’t there days when you wonder WHEN will all this be over. I really understand why we are called warriors and survivors now. Thought I understoond a few months ago but now it is even clearer. Also my eyes exspecially my left one are watery and glassy looking and feels like something in them I do know that when we talked about those Antibodies being so high that is one thing that causes the Graves eye disease what does a person look for? Also I asked my previous Endo. what could those Antibodies do seeings the only thing to destroy them is predisone, he said well they just mean you are prone for other autoimune diseases, anyone heard of that? Well I have been out of comission here awhile sorry to ramble but seems so good to have the support back.
    Thanks ahead!!!!!!
    Blessings Sally

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