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  • Madame_X
    Post count: 128

    Is it possible that what you are describing may be some type of side effect?

    Seek a second opinion, stat. A pharmacist’s input about these symptoms while on these meds will help, too.

    Post count: 3

    I was diagnosed with GD in July 08, RAI in August, and now I have been on synthroid for the past few months. First I started at .112mcg (pink pill), I felt really weird on it, Hoarse voice, dizzy/spacy feeling, numbness in my arms and legs, and a strange little cough in the middle of the night. My Endo said it was due to me being so low and when my levels went up they would go away. 7 weeks ago he started me on .125 mcg(brown pill), the first day on them all these things went away. I mentioned it to him and he said it was due to my levels. Now my levels are too high and he has switched me back to the pink pill and all these things have started over again. I think he thinks I am CRAZY, I have only taken them for 4 days, my levels cannot change so quickly. He said I have to keep taking them because my thyroid levels were dangerously high.
    My question to anybody with an answer, is it something in the pill that is making me feel this way or am I truly CRAZY???

    Has anybody ever felt this way, I was finally starting to feel like myself and now I am back to this weird feeling.

    Post count: 292

    I don’t think you’re crazy at all. It’s either something about the changes in your levels, or it is something about the pink pill. You’ll eventually figure out which it is.

    It’s possible that you were having a reaction to the dye in the pink pill. As Madame X said, talk to the pharmacist about what might be in the pink (.112) pill, that isn’t in the .125 pill. There could be something besides the dye that’s different. If it’s ONLY the dye, then you might want to think about whether you have a similar reaction when you consume other products that use red or pink dyes, and perhaps find out from the pharmacist exactly which dye is used so you can read product labels and avoid that one in the future.

    If it seems to be the dye in the pill, your doctor can switch you to a different brand that doesn’t use the same dyes. It might take longer to adjust your levels since different brands aren’t completely bioequivalent, but he can make it work for you.

    Good luck solving that puzzle!

    Post count: 398

    A long time ago, my doctor figured out that one dose was too high, and the one next to it was too low, because I would react similarly to what is going on with you. Periodically, he would figure out a regieme of different dosing every other day that would equal the "dose" that would be in the middle of the two. I remember that he wrote a letter to another doctor at one time that read "…she is sensitive to 6/1000th’s of the dose." W don’t have to do that any more–knock on wood–you guys have been talking about pretibial myxedema, and mine has come back!

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