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  • snelsen
    Post count: 1909

    What is the source of information that has prompted you to think this will happen? I am going to put on my RN hat for a moment, and try to figure out what in the heck you are taking about. So I am going to tell you the information below, but it is most likely too much information, and irrelevant to your surgery. So do write back, give more info that prompts you to ask this question. Having said all this, if your surgeon has mentioned anything, it is a reference to #3 below.
    1. i probably have taken care of more than 100 thyroidectomies over there years. I also had a thyroidectomy. No tube in anybody of any kind.
    2. There are two possibilities that relate to tubes in a neck. The first one simply is not relevant at all, and that would be a tracheostomy or tracheotomy. It is a tube in a neck to provide an airway in emergent situations or for several cancer situations involving the neck, many caused by smoking.
    2. THe second possibility is a small piece of soft rubber, called a penrose drain, which is sometimes placed in a wound (incision) for a very short period of time, to drain excess fluid or drainage.

    Post count: 17

    HI, Can anyone who has had surgery tell me their experience about the tube they leave in your neck for draniage??? My surgery is next Tuesday and wan to know more about that.Thanks

    Post count: 17

    I was told by my doctor and several other people who had this surgery that there would be a small tube for drainage. I even spoke to the nurse at the hospital yesterday about it. She was explaining how it worked.

    Post count: 1909

    Great. It is probably @2, a penrose drain. If it is there, it probably will be out by the time you go home. At any rate, you have had good explanations by your doc and the nurse at the hospital.

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