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  • snelsen
    Post count: 1909

    Hi Cindy,
    What a marvelous outcome for you and your brother! So glad you were a good match.
    I think your endocrinologist is the person who can answer your question. If I were in your position, I would also ask if I could have my thyroid labs drawn before September, so you have this finite information.
    Lots of variables contribute to fatigue, but I think it is less likely that it is related to your anesthesia this far out after your surgery, but it certainly is possible. Another question for the surgeon?
    Are you sleeping well? Sleep deprivation is another consideration.
    Best wishes to you, Cindy. What a wonderful life giving gift to your brother.

    Post count: 4294

    Hi Cindy – {{{Hugs}}} to you and your family…and kudos to you for such a selfless act! I agree with Shirley that it’s worth it to get your levels tested before your September appointment. If your TSH is out of whack, then you can go ahead and adust your meds. If it’s *not* your thyroid, then you can at least start down the path of finding the real cause. You certainly *deserve* to feel good after giving this life-changing gift to your brother!

    Post count: 4


    I was diagnosed with Graves disease and treated with RAI about 4 years ago. Approximately 3 1/2 years ago I went hypo and started taking synthroid. After the trials and tribulations of regulating the dosage of synthroid I have to say things are very good. No problems to report.

    This past February I had the honor and privilege of donating a kidney to my brother. Everything went well and we are both doing fine. The only real issue I am having is the fatigue. Very similar to the deliberating fatigue I had with Graves. I know the surgeons have reassured me that it is a side effect of the surgery and will clear up eventually but it left me wondering. Does major surgery effect my TSH levels and could some of the effects I am feeling be because of this or is it all the surgery?

    I am not due for a TSH level check, nor a kidney check, until Sept. I know I can get both earlier if required but thought I would check with others on this board who might have experienced this.

    Would the TSH/T4 levels react to this type of major surgery/change to the body function? And if it does is it just a short term effect , ie: should I go get my levels check and change meds if this is only a temporary effect?


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