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  • snelsen
    Post count: 1909

    very interesting and relevant question!
    I know that there are plenty of breast cancer support groups almost anyplace. I know that through hospitals and in the communities, there are support groups for other cancers, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, plus drug and alcohol addiction, fobromalgia and some more I am forgetting.
    I live in SEattle, and there is not a TED or Grave’s support group here. I think it takes the initiative of one of us to start one, ask their endo (or some endo to be involved.) I suspect this site has many suggestions for starting a support group. Unfortunately, I feel my plate is too full of multiple medical appointments right now to take it on. In the news bulletin for this site, there is news of groups in other parts of the country. The facilitators can do a much better job of telling you how they get started.

    To specifically answer your question, sort of, I think that they are much more prevalent in larger cities and towns. Without knowing, I would guess that there are more of them on either coast, but that is a supposition. I am orginally from Iowa, going back there for a visit soon, and will check around to see what is available in that state, but I think it is more community specific, perhaps.

    Post count: 6

    It seems that I always run into people who either have a chronic illness, like Graves, or an auto-immune illness, and they want to talk. As we chat we find that there is not much available in the way of local support groups. I am curious if the people that use your web site actually have a local support group to work with. I am not trying to look for any personal information, I am just wondering if there is a lack of support groups nationally, or if it is just my area of the world — which is a state in the upper Mid-West. I am interested in your comments. Thanks,

    Post count: 1569

    The GDF can provide some support to those who would like to start a group in their area ~ check the home page and write or call!

    Post count: 4294

    Also, if you click on "Community" and then "Find a Support Group", you can find a listing of the groups that are currently active. I started a group in Arizona just this year.

    If there is not a support group nearby, you can call the office and tell them you are interested in starting a support group in your area. Keep in mind, though, that starting a new group is fairly time intensive…so if you are in the early stages of dealing with Graves’, it might be a good idea to wait until your symptoms (and life!) have settled down a bit.

    Best of luck!

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