Hi there fellow Gravsters!
I had RAI done in Jan. and so far I do not regret it. I started Synthroid in Feb, and I’m currently up to 112 mcg. Since my last dosage increase, my T4 dropped to 1.1 from 1.4, and my TSH increased from 6 to 9. Even though I had my dosage increased. It may be an absorption issue, and although my T4 is in range, my TSH is still high and thus I’m subclinically hypo.
Has anyone had a similar experience post RAI? If so how long did it take for you to become fully in range?
Hello and welcome – Hopefully, others who have had RAI will chime in here. Also, hopefully, you and your doc are still working on dose adjustments to get your TSH back in range, even though your T4 is normal.
A few other thoughts…
1. Make sure you are consistently taking the meds on an empty stomach and waiting 4 hours to take any soy/iron/calcium supplements.
2. There is a brand name replacement hormone called Tirosint that is gel-based, so theoretically, the absorption should be better.
3. I assume that you’ve been taking Synthroid all along, but if not, switching meds can require a dose adjustment.
4. Sometimes digestive issues like celiac disease can affect absorption, so if you continue to have difficulty, that might be worth checking out.
RAI generally takes 6-18 weeks to fully do it’s work, so I don’t think it’s all that unusual that you have needed a consistently higher dose over the last few months. Hopefully, you will get to that “sweet spot” soon!
Thank you! I will look into the gel you mentioned. I spoke with my nurse today and they will not be increasing my dosage, but will retest in 6 weeks. I’m going to speak with the Doctor as this concerns me.
The only thing that has changed since my last test result is that I’ve been taking the pill and going back to sleep. I’m not sure if lying down has affected the absorption. I’m also starting to take Maca Root and would love to hear of this has helped others who are hypo post TT or RAI.
Hello – Yes, I would definitely question the reasoning behind not changing your dosage! When my TSH got up to 6, I was *definitely* symptomatic.
To clarify, Tirosint is a gel capsule – I didn’t want to leave the impression that it was a topical treatment!
The U.S. National Library of Medicine says there aren’t any known interactions with Maca, but it would be worth exploring this further with your doctor. Here is some additional info:
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I will take my pill if I wake up in the middle of the night (which is almost every night) to avoid waiting an hour after I get up to have breakfast.
I haven’t had any issues with this.
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