Thank you Jan, for responding and letting me know that this can happen. I hope there won’t be any more episodes like that. Thanks again for the support!
Morning Rose,
Yes, Jake had an incident similar to yours and it can be pretty darn scary! It is a form of paralysis and while a rare symptom, it does occur. Peoples of asian backgrounds tend to experience it more than others. Eating high starch and sugar diets tend to bring on these episodes, along with exercise. Getting the thyroid under control will allieviate this problem.
If you’d like to read more on this issue, it is discussed in the book, “The Thyroid SourceBook” by Sara Rosenthal, in chapter 3.
This book can be purchased on our homepage.Hope this helps or at least reassures you that you aren’t alone in this experience. And let’s pray this will be the ONLY incident of this nature!
Best Wishes,
Online facilitatorRose, this may have been what happened to me in February. I blacked out and drove into a tree. I am really glad that didn’t happen to you.
I will have to check out the book since my doctors haven’t a clue as to what caused the blackout.
I hope you get your thyroid regulated soon!
Elisa – I hope you were not hurt, when you ran into the tree. Did it come on suddenly for you? I ordered the book, anything to get more information on that feeling in the head. I remember when I was working 5 years ago and these feelings would come on and I felt so strange. I was diagnosed soon after that. Let me know how you are? Thanks. Rose
GET TO YOUR DOCTOR. I know it’s just best for peace of mind, if nothing else comes of it. First, logically, you know that would be pretty nasty to have happen, again. Add driving. OK? Might need a little med “twik”…, or, it could be totally unrelated. Yep, I’ve had that happen to me. Take care!
Hi, Rose
Thanks for asking how I am. I was wearing my seatbelt when I crashed, so I had “seatbelt injuries”. Unfortunately, the belt was not in exactly the right position, so I injured my neck (including the thyroid). Couldn’t talk for a while, which was hard for me (LOL). Fortunately, I was basically just bruised in many places, so I am recovering.
Hi everyone –
I’m new here, but I was diagnosed w/GD about 1 1/2 yrs ago. It is currently under control w/PTU (I don’t understand why everyone wants me to have the radiation…). Anyway, just prior to my diagnosis, I was SEVERELY ill. However, three of my major symptoms don’t seem to fit any profile that I have found in endless hours of search: Extreme muscle/joint pain, hypoglycemia-like problems (lightheadedness, extreme sleepiness, etc. after sugar), and loss of coordination (even my secretary couldn’t read my writing). I definitely have GD, confirmed by countless blood tests & RUI uptake, and my symptoms have mostly disappeared since the PTU, but it just seems strange that the most prevalent symptoms for me are not typical of GD. Has anyone else experienced these? Also, does anyone have really strange, vivid dreams when their GD flares up? This is one of the ways I can tell when I don’t have enough meds. -
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