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  • James
    Post count: 115


    If you are experiencing what you think are hyper symptoms once again, it is important to get your levels tested as soon as possible, especially since it has been over a month since your last labs. Your labs may be fine in which case something else may be at play. At least you can rule the thyroid out. Your Dr. should be able to help you with that.

    I know from personal experience I had relapsed quickly and with the vengeance when coming off of a virus that would not seem to subside (that was a number of years ago now). Anyway, it certainly isn’t out of the realm of possibility. Our immune system ramps up when we are ill. Just something to be aware of and talk to your Dr. about.


    Post count: 22

    After being OD’d on MMI June to Aug, I am still not on meds. Labs came back all in normal range last ckup 9/8. The endo really gave me a lashing for being on Allegra-D, the D being pseudophedrine, because of the risk for heart problems if taken long term. So I stopped and have been taking Zyrtec…But,

    I have had a sore throat and swollen glands for three weeks!!! I wake up still stuffy in the morning, and the pressure behind my eyes feels like water ballons back there! I have chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, along with or from allergies. Before I started taking allergy meds, I would get 2-3 sinus infections a year, and the scarring is pretty bad.

    The hyper symptoms of Graves seems to be slowly coming back. I think the Celexa helps some, but either I a right or just imagining they are coming back. I’m definately not hypo any more, but still exhausted all the time ven though I sleep sometimes 6-9 hours a day.

    Post count: 484

    Do you have confirmed allergies? If they are not confirmed I would get tested as soon as you can. Do NOT let an allergest bs you into a whole bunch of things, just go in and ask for the skin test. Even some first time visits they will do it there. I hate dr’s who say well we’ll do it next visit…. I don’t except that because I know the reason is to get you back there and get more money.

    Zyrtec is a decongestant but if it is not working after at least two weeks of being on it then you might have more than just allergies. THe allergies could have caused another sinus issue.. I am well aware of them and have 4 kids that their allergies trigger a sinus infection and let me tell ya… that stinks!
    If you have any colored discharge coming out of your nose or throat when you cough you need to go see your general dr., they may put you on an antibiotic. Please dont delay on this. The faster you get on an antibiotic (if that is what is is needed) the faster you will heal. Allergies produce clear secretions from the nose so if it’s green/yellow/brown please call dr.
    Also, the dr. might want to do a strep test on you, although it would be rare to have a soar throat from strep this long it is a good idea to get it checked anyway.. so dont be surprised if they want to do that.
    This is a General Dr. visit not your Endo visit, so please get a call in to them asap. I am sure with all the issues with sinus’ you have had you know what it feels like but with being hyper then hypo and now not sure it’s good to just have the dr. say what this sinus/congestion/swelling might be.
    Let the dr. know about not being on meds for Graves and what your last lab #’s were. He himself might want to run a thyroid panel. I know my general dr. runs all my tests and if a problem then I see an endo, but I’m in remission so I dont have to worry about that right now. I do know my dr. doesn’t wait, she just does it and then if need be will let me know if there is a problem.

    I would also let the Endo know about the issues you are having jsut so he knows and he can see you if your general dr. can’t.

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