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  • emmtee
    Post count: 148

    I haven’t had an ultrasound since my TT, but my endo still checks my neck at my appointments. She said it’s possible for some thyroid tissue to grow back, and it’s more likely to happen in hyperthyroid patients. Wendy Williams had RAI 19 years ago, and she had some thyroid tissue grow back.

    Post count: 4


    I was recently diagnosed with Graves’ disease in May 2018. I was severely hyperthyroid at the time and was placed on 30 mg of Methimazole daily. With regular blood work and Endo visits my levels dropped and as of now I was kicked into hypothyroid and am taking 5 mg Methimazole daily. The new symptoms are really tough. I’m so tired and achy all the time. I’m hoping to start feeling better soon with less medication but I’m not sure what to expect or long I’ll remain hypo. Looking for advice.

    Post count: 4294

    Hello and welcome – methimazole clears the body fairly quickly, so you should start to see those hypO symptoms resolve soon. It can sometimes take a few adjustments to find the “sweet spot” dose that will keep your levels stable, so watch out for your old hypER symptoms creeping back in – and if that happens, call your doctor ASAP to get a new set of labs.

    Post count: 439

    Hello Cl14.
    I agree with Kimberly, but also what I have found EXTREMELY helpful over the years is to keep a log or journal of how I’m feeling at each medication dose. I have a list of symptoms that I seem to feel when I’m going hyper, and a list of symptoms for when I think I’m going hypo, a list for when I’m simply changing from one to the other, etc. It has helped immensely to look back over it and see if whatever symptoms I’m having coincide with whatever change I’ve recently made.

    Also, when you have your blood tested, always ask for a hard copy of the results and on that piece of paper, write down how you were feeling the day you had them drawn. You can then look back over the past bloodwork and see a pattern, see at which TSH levels you felt best, etc.

    We have to be our own doctors in dealing with this disease.

    Post count: 4

    Hi Sue, thank you for tour reply. I really appreciate the advice.

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