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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Christina,

    Are you one steroids for TED? The full face is a very common side effect of steroids. Since steroids are an anti-inflammatory medication typically most find some relief with joint pains ~~ are you experiencing arthritis type symptoms in your ankles and knees? I developed severe spasms and cramping of my ankles and feet while on high doses of steroids.

    I am surprised that your doc said that 80 mg. of steroids was such a low dose ~~ I was under the impression that was a high dose. I was always started on 80 – 120 mg. and then quickly lowered to 60 mg. as a maintenance dosage.

    It is my understanding that the amount of time for the steroids to get out of your system varies based on the length of time you were on them. My doctor told me that it would take about 2 years but I was on steroids for a long time.

    You can use a general search engine to search the internet for sites on steroids.

    Best wishes to you ~~ please feel free to email me.


    Post count: 93172

    Reply to Christina:

    In reading your post about being on steroids, I have a couple of questions. Did you notice any improvement in your eyes after the month?
    What other side effects, if any, did you feel?

    My neuro-opth put me on steroids 3 months ago, 60 mg, for 3 weeks. He was terribly worried about causing ulcers. That was not a problem. My major problem was a continuous headache from day 1 and constant vertigo-like dizziness. Plus I gained 5 pounds and became a pms-like screaming
    beast. I tried to stick it out, but felt too sick, so quit after 10 days. Of course, not long enough to affect my eyes. So now doc is considering radiation depending on outcome of next field vision test. He’s very conservative with treatment unless vision becomes impaired, which I think it’s beginning. I’m just curious as to what side effects others have experienced. I wonder is there’s another steroid besides prednisone that I could tolerate?

    Sorry to be so long-winded!


    Post count: 93172

    Hi Christina

    I was on steroids for two years. What you are referring to is called moon-face (fat face) syndrome, caused by cortisone (steroids). The steroids (from what I have experienced) may save your eyes, so don’t do anything without consulting with your doctor. You also can’t stop taking steroids – you have to be weaned off as it may be extremely dangerous to stop medication on your own (affects your body’s ability to make its own adrenalin). It is a wonder drug, but also a very dangerous drug.

    The swelling and moon-face will go away, the swelling subsides once you are off the steroids. The aching may be due to Graves’ though. Be sure to ask your doctor if you need calcium supplements as steroids may cause bone disease when we are already at risk, steroids however may only cause this when used long term. I have osteoporosis but it could be due to Graves’ and steroids and hereditary factors (although nobody in my family has osteoporosis.)

    Take care, hope this helps

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