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  • adenure
    Post count: 491

    I was reading and saw that SSKI drops can aggravate hyperthyroidism. I can’t take methimazole (and haven’t for 5 weeks), but am supposed to start SSKI drops for surgery, for 7 days, starting tomorrow. Since I’m off methimazole, will the SSKI drops cause me to go hyper due to the larger amount of iodine my body will be taking? I’m guessing most people prepare for surgery with the drops AND ATD’s. What happens to someone like me who can’t take ATD’s, but takes the SSKI drops? Hmmm…. I read one reference that said it isn’t suggested, but my doctor has prescribed it. I emailed him and hope to hear back from him today. I also asked about taking them 5 days instead of 7 as my surgeon said taking them 5-7 days would be fine. I guess we’ll see. Anyone know anything more about it?


    Post count: 491

    My doctor said long term use (over a couple of weeks) can cause problems and make a thyroid hyper, but short term use to control bleeding in surgery is fine. Okay, so I guess I’ll start them tomorrow then. Man, I’m a chicken. I haven’t started the betablockers yet as my heart rate has been fine, but I need to start those in the next few days too.


    Post count: 66

    You are NOT a chicken! You’ve been through a lot and your nerves are shot, that’s to be expected. You are a very strong woman and everything will turn out fine. It seems we always let ourselves get worked up over something and then, months later, look back and realize, it wasn’t as big a deal as we thought at the time. You have many people here sending their prayers and good vibes for you. Breathe lady:D and take your meds like your DR says. It’ll be ok. HUGZ!

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