Hi there,
I will admit that some really weird things can happen to us while we’re dealing with Graves’ ~ I don’t recall where you are with your treatment, can you remind me?
If you’re hyper OR hypo, meaning if your thyroid hormones are imbalanced either way, things could be strange for you right now, and each of us is so different that it’s really impossible for me to say whether it could be a manifestation of Graves’, or hypothyroidism, or anything to do with Graves’ at all. Your doctor is really the authority on that, and you should investigate, because I know it’s scary. I do remember a brief period when I kind of "forgot" how to read. Considering I’ve been doing that since I was 3 years old, that was REALLY scary. It resolved with normalizing levels. In the interim, it was rather upsetting.
If your doctor tells you it should not have anything to do with your thyroid hormone levels right now, then press the point and ask what it IS, because it’s up to the doctor to find it for you, to know where to go and what to test so you can figure it out and solve it.
I am hyperthyroid. I do have Graves’ Disease. Thankfully I have an appointment this week. Im just scared its something seperate from my Graves’ like a brain tumor. It feels so weird trying to read something in English and not being able to see it the way it really is written.
Right after my wife was diagnosed she started doing cross word puzzles every day. Prior to that she would do then every now and then but when the GD was diagnosed she really became committed. At first it really bugged me a lot. My ego got all bent out of shape because she obviuosly was way more interested in her cross word puzzles than she was in me. I now know it is because it is her way of exercising her brain everyday to see words, if that makes any sense.Your husband doesn’t think you’re nuts. He just doesn’t underdstand what is gong on. Get a hold of the book Grave Disease in Our Own Words and ask him to read it after you are done with it. You can buy it on the NDGF home page I believe. If not, Amazon. It’s not a big book and it’s not a technical read either. It helped me out a lot.
KamI will look for that book. Thank you. Hopefully it isnt to pricey.
It’s VERY reasonable, and it’s got some of the best information out there.
If you’re hyperthyroid, I wouldn’t be surprised to find that this event has its roots in that very imbalance. Too much thyroid hormone is incredibly tough for your body to handle, and it can show itself in many, many ways. Take it easy on yourself just now. Make sure you get enough rest (when you can), and do ONLY what you can tolerate. Start learning to say NO. I realize it’s tough. We’ve all been there and we understand, believe me!
Another new symptom…. Everytime I pick something up to read it…. I know I just know that it is either in english or their should be english words near the top of what Im trying to read but EVERYTHING I MEAN EVERYTHING looks like its in some foreign language like spanish or something. I struggle for a few minutes to find the english… blink half a dozen times and then their it is the english. Either all of it or just at the top but it was right their the entire time. i dont know if this is normal with Graves’ Disease but its scary. My husband officially thinks Im nuts, Im just sure of it.
i just want everything to go away. I just want to get better. Im scared, what if this is something else and has nothing to do with Graves’???
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