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  • susant
    Post count: 16

    6 weeks into treatment and going well! Feel 100% to the last 6 months. My question is about ongoing/chronic pain in lower spine and down both legs particularly knees and hips. I spoke with my physio and she consulted a endo who seems to think that this is related to changes due to the uptake of my medication. They seem to think that it will go soon. In the meantime, I am taking NSAIDS (as you know, is not good long term).

    My question is twofold: Do you think I should explore the symptoms more ie., a referral to rheumotologist? or is this a pretty standard symptoms.

    Does anyone know of a good natural anti-inflammatory that is safe long term? (I am in australia so if you could provide name and compounds – I may be able to find something equivilant here)

    Thanks so much!!!

    Post count: 120

    Hello Susan,
    I understand all too well the leg pain associated with both hyper and hypo thyroid. When we are hyper our bodies are using up all available resources faster than we can create them. When that happens we burn fat, then burn muscle to keep us alive and going.

    When we burn excess fat and muscle we release toxins into our systems in the form of keytones and makes our muscles ache and makes us feel run down.

    Some people gain weight while being hyper because the body recognizes it is losing reserves fast so it pack on the fat and for some reason does not let the body use it and the person gains weight but they still lose muscle mass and run into the same pains and problems.

    The best fix it so get your thyroid levels under control. Do not over exercise because this just makes the body think it needs to store fat and burn muscle and it becomes a bad cycle to get into.

    You did not get sick overnight and recovery takes time. One thing Graves’ disease has taught me is patience. We need to learn to wait. It will not happen overnight. As someone just posted to me the other day, they realized one day that they didn’t feel bad. It was not a matter of waking up and feeling great. It was a realization that it did not suck to me today and yesterday was pretty good too.

    Give it time and give yourself some time to rest.

    Post count: 13

    Thank you so much for both of the post regarding sore legs. I am presently out on disability due to not being able to walk without pain due to my
    legs being weak. I have been going to an Orthopedic Surgeon who has sent me for an MRI on my back, saying if I couldn’t lift my leg without help while sitting down, it was due to my back. Well, the MRI did show some displaced discs, but it’s not my back that is a front upper thigh area called the Femor. I will be going for 2 more MRI’s for my hip and one for the Femor. I’ve been told I have arthritis in both my hip and knee, so time will tell what’s going on.
    My point is that for so long I have felt like I’m going crazy having so many issues and not knowing what is going on. Your posts shed some light on the fact it could also be my thyroid causing some of it.
    Just last week I talked to my primary doctor’s nurse, who told me my recent bloodwork came back " within range" as for my thyroid. I’ve been taking PTU for about 4 months, since stopping all medication a few years ago. I was wrong to stop taking the PTU and found that out the hard way by feeling so awful & having legs of jelly. I *think* my legs have improved a bit since then, but still disable me to the point I can’t do my work or walk well.
    How long *should* it take to get the strength & mobility back IF it is due to my thyroid and not a physical ailment such as displaced discs?
    I just want to work again and feel somewhat in control of my life again!
    Reading your posts was a comfort & gave me some hope…thank you again.

    Post count: 127

    Since my brain bleed I can’t take NSAIDS. I’ve had some sucess with Vitamin C. Hope this helps.

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