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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Lou, I also had the pain in the feet that you’re describing. It felt like the joints had been crushed, and sometimes when I stood up it hurt so much I fell down. My endocrinologist diagnosed it as neuropathy, and it didn’t resolve until my TSH was in the lowest part of the normal range. (I also had painful muscle cramps/spasms with my TSH in the upper part of the normal range.)

    If you have neuropathy, there are drugs that can help. Talk to your doctor about this.

    Dianne W
    Asst. Online Facilitator, NGDF

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Kay.
    I just wanted to let you know that I have never lost weight before thai all started I weighed about 135/lbs now at 177lbs which is about 52 lbs I have to loose now. I was on Prednisone three times and my optho made me quit smoking after 28 years. My eating is little but proper.and I was Hypo for the first of all this stuff . I really don’t know what I am anymore. The last endo that I had said I was neither as the med make me normal??????? Wish I felt normal. Everyone talks about HMO what is that.
    I would like to explain about my feet. It is not the muscle it is the bones it feels like, or the joints all of them its hard even to bend my ankles sometimes . When Im crouched down I need help getting up or something to pull myself up with. My back muscles have made me wake up sometimes at night just contracting and it hurts like crazy that also happens sometimes at the kitchen sink.
    I wish I had some answers and I really don’t like going to the Dr with all this as there seems to be so much wrong all the time.
    The weight really does bother me and I am doing little exercises foten.
    Thanks to all

    Post count: 93172

    What does neuropathy mean?

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