Hi Cynthia – Sorry to hear that you are still not feeling well. Unfortunately, none of our treatment options offer a “quick fix” in terms of recovering our health…especially if we have been hypER for a long period of time. Our bodies need time to heal from the damage done during that time.
Are you happy with your current medical team? After being hypER for a while, recently going through surgery, and then going through the scary episode with the elevated heart rate, your body has certainly had a lot to deal with. However, since you are feeling so poorly, you might consider asking for help in trying to figure out if there is something else that is going on.
Yes, for now, I would definitely *try* to focus on activities that will bring you pleasure without stressing you out! A change of scenery might do you good…but you might also consider whether travel would leave you feeling energized or more wiped out. Even on my best day, I find dealing with heavy traffic or airport security to be exhausting!
Finally, on the medical bills, is there someone at the hospital that might be able to serve as a resource, such as a social services department? I’m sure that the stress about your financial situation is making your journey extra difficult right now. It would be helpful if you could reach a settlement or a payment plan on the recent medical bills, just to get some peace of mind.
As always, we are here if you need to vent. Please keep us posted on how you are doing!
need to vent know that no one out there can really help me physically but feel sooo alone!!!! I don’t think anyone but you all can understand how tired emotionally I am …. been feeling very bad for 4 monthes in the bed so tired I can hardily get out of bed…. had bad reaction to my antithroid meds they made me feel worse .. had surgery 3 weeks ago felt great for a few days them all went to …… rehospitalized for rapid pulse elevated b/p off synthroid for 8 days per endo been back on for 5 days now .88mcg /day anyway had to get off lopresser ( for rapid heart rate) secondary to bad headach nausea ect. am still feeling so fatiqued canhardily walk or even get out of bed with out pushing myself am so bored and sick of being sick latily getting apathic about everything don’t want to resume my fun activities except be with my grandkids …can’t stand this much more am tring to push myself to get going am going with one of my daughters on a busness trip to beach on sunday really need time out and change hopfully this will help but don’t know what to do about the extreme tiredness… am on prozac will see about increasing dose not suicidal even though I sound like it just don’t know wha to do about physical problems thanks for listening me whine I realize thier are people much sicker than I but with the added money problems ( medical bills) and fatique need help just don’t kow where to look
am feeling better emotionally made myself go to the art studio today had a great time with my other artist friends got a great complement on my art from a great artist I haven’t seem in a while she used to be one of my art teacher at the studio all are very supportive offering free lessions to me …… am going to start painting again even if I have to make myself get started also went for a short walk only 1 1/2 blocks but will try 2 blocks today spend time with my youngest grandson will be 3 he loves me unconditinally and gives me lots of hugs and kisses which older people need and don’t always get!!!! am sooo looking forward to trip will drive to new orleans tomorrow short drive then my daughter will drive the rest of the way no pressure there …. will lay on the beach , float in the pool and read my books ha h a money is always a issue but will just let it go to god and trust all will work out am working on finiancial resourses bless you all for your help to all of and hopefully you will be blessed by all your time and good works thanks
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