So i’m trying to figure all the terms out but am not used to all the terms so please bear with me…
I went to the ER with what i thought was the flu..turned out to be something else but the ER doctor told me that my eyes look "prominent" i wasn’t sure what she was talking about ( had a inclination because my oldest sister has graves) but she ended up doing a check on my thyroid levels and turns out i had graves disease…
now i have read that it is an auto immune disease ..i understand that you get sick and your body attacks your thyroid…but what my question is …is it every time you get sick? Or is it just the one time it attacks your thyroid and then you have graves disease and it does not attack your thyroid every time you get sick? Does it just weaken your immune system all together?
My other question is … i have not read anywhere in the side effects that it causes loss of balance…i don’t remember ever have vertigo problems before but it’s to a point that i have to hold on to a wall to put my jeans on…does anyone else have this problem??? If i get off balance at all i usually end up grabbing a wall so i don’t fall down.
… i have been on methimazole (sp?) for a year now…but it seems like its not helping..i have a doctor apt in a couple of weeks and i will talk to him about it …but i wake up several times a night with my heart pounding out of my chest …and sometimes it wakes me up because it feels like its fluttering….isn’t the medicine supposed to correct that problem? I take 20mg a day that should be enough to control my heart rate shouldn’t it?
Sorry for the loaded post…its nice to find a place where i might get some answers..
also, (one more i promise) I have been having what i think is restless leg syndrome … i read the symptoms and causes and it says it can be brought on by hyperthyroid… has anyone else experienced this …?
I feel like i’ve aged 40 years in two!!!
Thanks in advance…..
DO you have your blood test results?
It would be helpful to post them and also post the ranges that come with them.
Actually, posting your blood tests doesn’t do much here: nobody here is qualified to interpret them for you.
As for your question about whether an autoimmune disease is a sign of a weakened immune system: no. Our immune systems made a mistake, and created an antibody to a normal body part (in our case the thyroid). But unless those antibodies are creating havoc with the thyroid organ (i.e. unless we are hyperthyroid, and sick) we can expect to have normal health. What makes us sick is wonky thyroid levels. If the thyroid levels are controlled in the normal zone, our immune systems should be working just fine when it comes to other diseases. If, however, our thyroid levels are out of control, we can become weakened and get sick more frequently with other infections.
I don’t know have my test results and i’m sure they aren’t accurate anymore..time for some more bloodwork..
thank you bobbi that was very helpful…i understand
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start keeping a diary or an excel spreadsheet of your lab work. or just have a copy of all of them sent to you by dr. each time you get it done.
If a lab does your bloodwork, you can sign off on a sheet to have it mailed or faxed to you. YOu might have to sign it each time you go there but it’s worth it!
Mine are always faxed to me when they fax it to the dr. so I always get a copy of my own. -
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