Hi all – I replaced the original link above with a new link that references the same study, but meets the GDATF’s guidelines regarding the posting of links. For more info on links, you can review in the “New User? Read This First!” thread in the announcements section of the forum. If anyone ever would like to get feedback in advance on whether a link meets the guidelines, you can always PM me or send an e-mail to info@gdatf.org.
A few notes on this study…
1. The final results of this study have not yet been posted.
2. The financial sponsor of the study is a company called Rock Creek Pharmaceuticals, who SELLS supplement that is being reviewed.
3. This study is related to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, not Graves’ disease.
4. Because smoking is a known risk factor for aggravation of thyroid eye disease — and scientists don’t understand which of the thousands of chemicals in cigarette smoke cause this issue — extreme caution should be used around any tobacco products.
It’s certainly possible that in the future, this supplement could be proven to be both safe and effective — and to have a positive impact for patients with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. *However*, since the sponsor of the study is selling the product, it will be really important to have some independent investigators weigh in on this issue.